
Does TX has any laws to protect the home owner ,from contructor who only do bad job and wants money .

by  |  earlier

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put lean on the home owner




  1. well to get a lien the contractor would have had to go to court and prove he did the job he was contracted to do, and that he was never paid for hte job.

    at court the homeowners would have an opportunity to prove the contracted did not do the work properly and use that as an affirmative defense as to why the contractor was not paid the proper amount of money.

    Homeowner would have to have had legal service, meaning that they would have to get knowledge of the court date before the day so they would have time to hire an attorney if needed and be certain to not have their civil rights violated.

  2. Yes, there are laws to protect homeowners.  If there is a lein on your property you have the right to contest it.  You will probably need an attorney.

    Good Luck

  3. I am not sure take the contractor to court

    if they did a bad job have another party(who is in the same line of work)

    critique the job and give you an estimate of what it would cost to improve the shoddy work the first contractor did

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