
Does Tai Chi or for that matter any kind of martial arts instructor use ridicule as tool to teach the art?

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I have seen that in few Chinese martial art movies also where the main hero while learning is subjected to lot of ridicule for not performing and then takes that personal humiliation as motivation and learns best!! I am learning Tai Chi and that impression was getting reinforced . So i thought why not take opnion of people who have already mastered it.




  1. That's just Hollywood.  On the average, respect is used as a motivator. When a student isn't performing "up to par" the instructor usually makes an assessment of his/her abilities and then helps the student to reach their top potential.  Everyone's potential is different.  Instructors usually always maintain respect whether it is an instructor/student relationship or a student/student relationship.  Any instructor wo allows bullying has lost control of his class and has lost respect owed to im or her.

  2. Some times, but that is a personality trait and should not represent how a teacher should be to another human.

    A teacher student relationship should be one of family and not of "I am better than you".

    For a person to constantly put someone else down is not a good sign.

    The Martial Arts is a spiritual journey and growth from the inside out. But if a person is technically good at a particular art but have personality defects... then how far would you expect to learn and grow from such a person?

  3. It is not "ridicule".

    Negative reinforcement is a great tool when used properly.  

  4. you watch too many movies. modern martial arts training is watered down to retain customers and minimize student turnover

  5. Only in a situation where you are in your teacher's presence 24 hours a day for a VERY long time (such as living in a monastery as a novice.) In that case, they are not just teaching a martial art -- they are also teaching an entirely new mindset and way of life.

    They break down the old in order to build up the new.

    I believe that the US Marine Corps also uses this method at Parris Island.

    Don't believe everything you see at the movies!

  6. its just that your teacher wants to motivate you to become better because when the body is pressured it automatically focuses itself to concentrate to its full potential hope i helped

  7. There is fine line between ridicule being a positive morale booster and a disastrous spiral down for the student. Such ''motivational' tools work best on a case to case basis, no two persons will respond the same way to Ridicule, bullying or ant similar tactic to instil discipline or to motivate the student. In essence, it is for the Master instructor to evaluate the psyche of every student and dole out instruction, motivational, disciplinarian and other structured instruction  accordingly.

    Both the Teacher and student are responsible for the consequence: whether the student does well or quits! How much credit goes to each part of this equation depends, again, on individuals!

    Bottomline: What works positively for one may not work for another.

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