
Does The Food you eat cause acne?

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coz i eat lots of junk food and i dont have ANY acne...




  1. All people are different and react in different ways.

  2. It can.

  3. No. Acne is only caused by the food u eat if you touch your face after handling it. Acne is caused by an oil thats released through hormoens that bacteria like to feed on. Acne forms under your skin as the bacteria gathers and your body tries to fight it off. Any acne you may get has formed over days and days, not just recently...  

  4. The foods you eat have no affect on acne breakouts. acne is caused by bacteria and oil clogging your pores and causing a build up of dead skins etc. which causes the area that is affected to become inflamed.  when you eat keep in mind that you don't wipe you face with your hands. b/c the grease and stuff that is on your hands causes bacteria to have a field day and grow which can lead to acne. also acne occurs after 2 weeks of build up so if u have a pimple it became inflamed 2 weeks and your are just no seeing it visibly.

    all this info is on the proactive website and you can read it for yourself too.

    hope this helps!

  5. Everyone's different so just because junk food may cause someone to break out, that doesn't mean that's the case for everyone.

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