
Does The Gaurds Let You Get Close To The Leaning Tower Of Piza?

by Guest57259  |  earlier

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my world cultures teacher told me that they don't but i'm going to rome so i wnr to see if it it's true.





  1. Don't believe the first answerer. The Leaning tower had been closed for a few years but it has reopened to the public on Dec,15th  2001. You can even touch it if you like and, unless you've the intention to damage it, there will be nobody that will say you something. You may even climb it (by paying a ticket). However,just to clarify, the Leaning Tower is in Pisa, that's a 200 miles far from Rome.

    Here is the official website with any kind of info, cost of the tickets, opening time, booking, etc.

  2. You can get close enough to see its beauty and naturally its leaning - you can no longer go inside.

    I was fortunate to be able to go inside many years ago.

  3. We were just there last year and you can still climb to the top if you want. I believe you purchase tickets right at the tower...Yes, you can still get close but have to pay to climb it....

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