
Does The Government Pay You In The U.S?

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In Australia, we have something called Centrelink. Depending on your circumstances, they will give you money.

They pay people who are looking for work, they pay people who are studying, who have children, etc.

Does the US have a similar system and could you please tell me a bit about it? I'm especially interested in if they pay unemployed people looking for work ("jobseekers"). Thanks.




  1. Yes and No.  The government will pay people in certain circumstances, but keep in mind once you do have a job they will make sure to get their money back.  Usually the gov. takes about 25% of your paycheck for taxes.  If you are unemployed they do have unemployment, but it typically only pays 1/3 of your salary and they actually get the money from your previous employers so you do have to have US work experience.  Also your employers can fight against paying into unemployment.  There is welfare that the government will assist peole who need help but I am not sure how this is determined since so many people want some type of assistance and again it is not much.  Usually you are shacked up in a shack with limitied luxuries.  School will be assisted in federal loans that you will have to pay back with an increase usually of 3-4% which increases annually.  There are school scholarships and grants but you have to be awarded thru good grades or athleticism.

  2. Yep. We pretty much pay anyone who wants to live here but doesn't give a d**n about working.  Wait a minute - I pay them.

  3. Yes.

  4. Why not just take care of yourself and your own? Our government gives out way too many handouts to deadbeats at taxpayer expense as it is.

  5. The government doesn't pay them. Those of us who work for a living have part of our pay taken away and awarded to those who don't.

  6. When people lose their jobs they can file a claim for unemployment benefits. It pays a portion of their prior salary for 16 weeks while you look for a new job.

    Other who are down on their luck can file for disability or welfare payments.

    Of course all of these programs are funded through corporate and personal taxes.

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