
Does The Queen Have The Power To Have People Killed?

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Does The Queen Have The Power To Have People Killed?




  1. i don't think so..usually the king have the most power

  2. Sadly no.........

  3. I would assume not because England is a constitutional monarchy. The royal family is cultural fixture that some people are debating should be done away with all together.

  4. It's a shame she doesn't....Henry VIII would turn in his grave.

  5. No.

  6. Not without her Ministers.And I do believe that Parliament also has a say in this,too! The Queen has an important symbolic role as the figure in whose name justice is carried out, and law and order is maintained;she is known as "the Fount of Justice." According to Buckingham Palace,at

    "While no longer administering justice in a practical way, the Sovereign today still retains an important symbolic role as the figure in whose name justice is carried out, and law and order is maintained."

    The next page states:"The task of administering justice in the UK is carried out by members of a judiciary acting in The Queen's name.

    The Queen does not herself judge any case nor does she play any part in the judicial process.

    But she has a symbolic role. By the coronation oath, and by common law and various statutes, the Sovereign is required to cause law and justice with mercy to be administered to all. In the United Kingdom, all jurisdiction therefore derives from the Crown.

    The courts are The Queen's courts; the judges are Her Majesty's judges and derive their authority from the Crown; criminal prosecutions are brought in the name of the Sovereign against those charged; the prisons are Her Majesty's Prisons. In previous decades prisoners used to be detained 'at Her Majesty's pleasure'.

    In the area of law, as in her other public actions, The Queen acts solely on the advice of her Ministers. For example, although The Queen appoints senior judges, she does so on the advice of the Prime Minister.

    The Queen also exercises the prerogative of mercy, by which the Sovereign may, for example, grant free or conditional pardons or remit penalties, on the advice of her Ministers."

  7. Anyone with money or political connections has the power to have people killed.

    What kind of question is that?

    Gosh, use logic every once in a while, I thought Brits prided themselves in being the originators of "common sense."

  8. at least 5000 people go missing in England alone, it is thought the are taken and used as fresh meat for the queens fox hounds and Prince Charles uses about 1000 commoners as target practice....

  9. No, queens don't have the power

    to have ppl killed, not today.

    around the 1500-1800 perhaps they did.

    But they might have needed authority of the king.

  10. This is a very con traverse question.

    Royalty have diplomatic immunity (corps diplomatic) this means that only the Queen or King can revoke that status, if someone does something very wrong in the royal family.

    The Queen has the power in the UK to put dead penalty in life time imprisonment.

  11. The British Monarchy is a complex - yet strangely simple - one.

    The Royal Powers are now linked to the Parliament, so the present Queen now Reigns in conjunction with the Parliament (some would say  with their 'rubber stamp') Having said that, there are some things the Queen can do of her own accord - if she so chooses, these are known as Royal Prerogatives. These were widely used in past history, but much curtailed  because of their potential for misuse (such as the summary execution of one's dissenters!!).

    Read the articles below, they may help you understand a little better the British Monarchy,

  12. probably, but who cares?

    Maybe she should try using that power and then try playing Russian roulette with a semi-automatic and the rest of her family  :)

  13. The authorities (including the Queen - our Head of State) are not allowed to execute anyone for any crime anymore. Even treason and what not. The European Court of Human Rights has banned it and Britain is a signatory state.

    No fun, I know, but true.

  14. Look, I'm not accusing anyone or anything but my friend went fishing one weekend and accidentally killed a swan (I don't know how he didn't tell me the details) and he went out the next morning to go to class and he never came back, and the next day someone slipped a 50 pence piece under his front door QUEEN FACE UP and that was the last we ever heard I'm not accusing anyone but what was that about ey? If I was going to get suspicious and accuse some royal person of something I don't know that's the kind thing I would be alerted by and I'm just saying, right, I'm just saying...

  15. no, not anymore

  16. No, she doesn't.  for many years now Britian has had a Constitutional monarchy, and the Queen has no real political power.  Her role is mainly ceremonial.  She does give advice to her Prime Ministers, but how much notice they take of it we do not know, their meetings are private.

  17. i dont think she does i know in the past they did. u must live in england.

  18. Judging by many of the posters on Yahoo Answers, I wish to God she did.

    In answer to your question - no, she obviously does not.

  19. Of course she does! Isn't the Queen the commander-in-chief of the Royal Navy and the Royal Army? And what else do armies do but "break things and kill people". . . ?

  20. She has no power to do anything that the government has not told her to do. She is an employee of sorts.

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