
Does The UN become a tool in the hands of Bush?

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Does The UN become a tool in the hands of Bush?




  1. The way I see it, it's all business - "I'll scratch your back and I'll let you know what you can scratch."  I don't agree with it, but that's what it looks like to me.

  2. Not when it is on the enemies payroll.

  3. To some extent.

  4. This has to be one of the silliest questions/assertions ever.

  5. The UN is useless and Bush is to incompetent to use it as a tool anyhow.

  6. Why all this fighting the United Nations? Have we forgotten that it acts as a failsafe for international wars? Have we forgotten that it has served its purposes as an international organization well? Have we forgotten that one reason Iraq is failing is because we bypassed the United Nations? What happened to patience, or peace for that matter?

    But to the question. The UN is a tool to the President? No, it's not, because if it were, the invasion of Iraq would have been UN effort, not a US/UK effort.

  7. It is always a tool of 5 countries.If a country doesn't obey them,they use it to punish that country.And when they do anything against international treaties,they veto any decisions against themselves.

  8. The UN is neutral with all countries, if one country starts to take control of them they can and will kick them out

  9. No the UN does nothing for the USA. We pay for it and most of the money goes into the pockets of the leaders.

  10. s really it is the tool by which he invaded iraq, now trying to invade iran.....

  11. President Bush cannot dictate terms with the UN though US has a high hand in UN affairs besides being the most powerful member in the security council and also contributes the bulkiest shares of its budget as UN has its own reputation as the world's largest independent & impartial powerful body

  12. The UN has always been a secondary State Dept. of sorts for whatever administration,whether Democrat or Republican since the Second World War.

  13. The cost to us far outweighs what we receive in return as I see it.

  14. THe United Nations is only being used by the US to justify the intervention in Iraq and Afghanistan.  The US is the main contributor of the UN and it is the reason why it wields so much influence.

  15. Yes. to  some extent or I must say fully UN is a ruling tool of USA.

  16. both are useless.

  17. no

  18. For example?

  19. UN-able




  20. No, but I think you've become a tool.

  21. No that is why he does not like the UN.

  22. If so, it's about as useful as a plastic shovel for all the bad things it fails to prevent.  I'm sorry, the UN is not very powerful or effective.  On the bright side, it has been a good 60+ years since we had a world war...

  23. It has always been a US pony. Look where it's HQ is.

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