
Does This Mean That I Have Hit Some Kind of Milestone?

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I am 22 and starting about 2 years ago i began to notice a decrease in how much i cared about what other people thought of me. When i was a teenager, like most people, i used to be so concerned about what others thought of me. Like if someone made fun of my shirt, i would probably never wear again. I used to worry a lot about other people approving of me. However, i have gotten to the point were i no longer care. I really no longer care what anyone thinks of me. I don't if someone doesn't like my shirt or the way my hair looks or the care i drive. I just doesn't bother me anymore.

And i'm not sure if this is related but it is also going on. I used to have a lot of nostalgia about the past in general, worrying about change, and also thinking the present wasn't as good as things once were but i no longer feel that.

It is just these two changes that make me wonder if i have reached some kind of milestone of maturity.




  1. Welcome to adulthood

  2. I think what you are experiencing is good. However, don't get to the point where you don't care at all. Then you could be considered depressed. I think in all reality, we all care what people think of us, its just about how much it effects you.

  3. Yes, at some point in almost everyone's life, cliques, popularity and material goods lose their importance. One starts to concentrate how to make their life better instead of appearances.

    Good luck.

  4. No, you are merely trying to valid a supposition, try another tact, if you are genuinely where you say you are, the last thing you,d do is pronounce it on Y/A, inviting comments. You really must think about your acts, some of these 'assumptions' are so puerile, they differ reasoning and makes one wonder at the level of idiocy out there. Try another one, this time, you may say you,ve actually discovered, you feel better sitting at home, doing nothing, as, anyway that,s the way God meant us to be. Good luck to you.

  5. Erik Erikson is widely credited with introducing the idea that adolescents are "high self-monitors," i.e.: they are relatively more self-conscious and more preoccupied with maintaining appearances in front of peers. So, a diminishing of this behavior is expected as you grow older.  For a relatively recent paper on this topic (2003), you can go here:

    Past nostalgia - I don't know so much about; you might be an objective individual in this case - I have a sense of nostalgia about the Clinton years, because we were objectively so much better off than in either the Bush Sr. or especially the recent Bush Jr. years.; the American Empire is collapsing before our eyes

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