
Does Tim Hortons routinely freeze its egg salad?

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Picked up some road food recently in the form of a Tim Hortons' egg salad sandwich. Two bites in, it was apparent that some of the egg salad was partially frozen.

Disgusting, yes.

Does anybody know if they store their egg salad in the freezer until it's ready to be used, or if I just ran into one with a wonky fridge? (Worrying here about ordering the same thing again...)




  1. Absolutely not. I know this for a fact because I worked as a baker and decorator at Tim Hortons for many years. The eggs are purchased hard boiled and peeled in a vacuum sealed bag. It has a refrigerator life (not freezer) of 2 weeks. However, the onions in the egg salad come in a frozen state, thawed at room temperature 2 hours before adding to the salad. It's possible that some of the onion did not thaw properly before adding to the salad. Tim Hortons uses very high quality products and goes to great lengths to maintain freshness and quality. I'm sure that if you had taken that sandwich back and explained what happened they would only have been too happy to either refund your money or give you something else. Although I no longer work there, I always feel good about eating there just because I know how high their production standards are.

  2. I've always seen it in a refrigerated section so I don't know why they'd freeze the sandwiches unless they are near the expiration date. It definitely sounds disgusting.

  3. as far as i know all there products are fresh, they dont freeze

    i think you where just unlucky, perhaps the temp of the fridge where th e eggs are stored was too cold and froze some.

    i would still order it again, but complain to the location

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