
Does Tricare (active military insurance) cover all medical bills? What about dental?

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I should be on Tricare soon but i'm curious if there will still be copays. does Tricare offer dental coverage. My husband's in the field so i cant ask him. anybody know?




  1. It depends on what kind of TriCare you are on..TriCare Standard or TriCare Prime.  If you are on TriCare Standard there are copays and deductibles.  If you are on TriCare Prime there aren't.  TriCare Standard is what you are automatically enrolled in when you marry an active duty servicemember.  TriCare Prime you have to specifically enroll in.  TriCare Standard has its copays and deductibles, however you have more flexibility in your care.  TriCare Prime doesn't have any out of pocket but you are a little more limited in care.  

    TriCare will cover most everything.  The only things they do not cover are elective cosmetic procedures (i.e. breast implants, face lifts, etc..unless it is in result from an accident or cancer) and they do not cover chiropractors.  Other than that, yes, most things will be covered completely.  However it is always your responsibility to check with your benefits if you have any doubt about whether a certain procedure is covered.  Vision is included with TriCare however it only covers a basic eye exam so if you have contacts you have to pay the difference between the basic eye exam and the contact lense exam.  TriCare does not cover any type of glasses or contacts.

    Dental is part of TriCare but also a separate entity.  You have to specifically enroll in the dental program, it is called United Concordia.  You can enroll on their website as long as your active duty sponsor has more than 12 months of active service remaining.  This does cost you a monthly premium that is autmotically deducted from your husband paycheck.  For a single dependent its around $11 a month, for 2 or more its around $23.

    If you have any more questions post more information and I'll check back here.

  2. Yes, there are deductibles and copays.  Go to the Tricare web site.

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