
Does Turkish delight come from Turkey then?

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Does Turkish delight come from Turkey then?




  1. I do hope so Sera.  I could do with something Sweet.

  2. Oh can we go to a Turkish delight factory? :)

  3. Mmmmmmmm, Turkish Delight.  

  4. The Fry's stuff Heck nope ... but the icing sugar covered stuff can do  yummy

  5. I guess so Sera.

  6. i would of thought so lol,i like it especially covered in that white dust,nice,i couldn't eat a full box though,wherever will yous end up next..,

  7. I get mine in ASDA !

  8. some people say it comes from Cyprus orginally!

  9. I would'nt mind a bit of turkish delight, anybody offering.?

  10. The original plain Turkish Delight does, but I like the chocolate covered variety.

  11. Yes i'd say so

  12. uhhh yes i think it does

  13. Don't know what's this all "in Turkey" about but yes, it comes from Turkey.

  14. It's thought it was developed from a confection from Persian now modern day Iran.

  15. I don't know where it comes from, but I don't like it.

  16. I love Turkish Delight, especially the chocolate ones.

  17. que Sera Sera   ; )  

  18. Yeah!

    Where did you think it came from, Spain?

  19. Well when we get to Turkey... we will find out...still flying to catch up... :-)

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