
Does UCL (University College London) Computer science have an international reputation?

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Hi and thanks for reading this question. There are really two questions here.

1) Does UCL have an international reputation? (Particularly in austrailia, but generally)

2) Is UCL a good university to study Computer Science




  1. UCL as a whole does have a strong international reputation. It's not as famous as Harvard, MIT, Oxford or Cambridge - not at that level - but it's known by many, and respected. I don't know if people know it in Australia, specifically.

    It is one of the top universities in the UK. It's not a bad place to study CS at all, but it's not the best in the UK.

    In general, if you're looking for schools with huge, international name recognition in CS, look at: Oxford, Cambridge and Imperial College London in the UK, U Toronto (and perhaps U Waterloo, in some circles) in Canada, and several unis in the US, including Carnegie Mellon, MIT, Stanford, U Cal Berkeley, Cornell, Princeton, U Texas Austin, U Illinois Urbana Champaign, Cal Tech, Harvard, Columbia U, Purdue, and Georgia Tech, amongst others. Those are the big guns. Huge name recognition. The types of schools that people say, "Wow, you went there?"

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