
Does UFC and Showtime XC use the same refs or does Dana White run both of them?

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Does UFC and Showtime XC use the same refs or does Dana White run both of them?




  1. I believe California's and Nevada's state athletic commissions changed their regulations and said that only their own state certified refs will be used.  Most other states are also like that as well and they probably grandfathered in some of the refs the UFC had because of their experience and is probably why you see them refing the big fights.  This is also one of the reasons why John McCarthy quit refing as well as to concentrate on his own fighting organization.

  2. There are only a handful of experienced MMA refs in the USA, and the UFC and EliteXC both use the same refs.  Dana White runs the UFC, and Gary Shaw runs EliteXC.  So, Dana White does not run both promotions (just the UFC).

  3. No Dana doesnt own EXC...Nor does he own the UFC...the Ferreta bros Frank and Lerenzo Own the UFC...Dana is just the prez of the UFC...The Ferreta's also own the WEC,Pride FC,IFL,and that other org where they aquired Quinton Jacks contract from...But they pretty much shut down Pride and every other org they own except WEC because they have a few of the best 145lbs guy as well as 135lbs guys...And not to sure whut there doing with the IFL but i have notice about 3 of there best talents on the UFN card the other weekend...As for the ref question...Jusr read the guys post above mine...he explanes it perfectly...

  4. no way dana runs them both i think he does run the wec though i never saw any of the same refs

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