
Does USMC Angelico questions? ?

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Do they go in with Marine Infantry Divisions

What do they do

Whats their MOS

do Marines take any special schools to get in?

thank you




  1. Angelico stands for:

    Air, Navel, Gun fire, Liaison Company.

    Its a high speed Forward observer unit that is usually jump qualified.

    Their specialty is that they incorporate all methods of calling for fire. Air, naval, ground, and etc. They're an elite forward observer unit who often works with special forces as well.

  2. They can go in with any type of unit..And they often work alone..Depends on the situation.

    They call for fire by using any available means to support various operations.

    Theur primary MOS would be infantry, 0300 and they are qualified forward observers.

    No to be a Marine does not require any special type of school.

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