
Does Ug99 concern you, are you making preperations?

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Ug99 is a new wheat rust. It was first found on wheat in Uganda, in 1999. It was found on a strain of wheat that has the Sr31 gene. This gene had been impervious to all forms of wheat rust, worldwide, prior to 1999.

Now over 90% of the species of wheat are completely vunerable to the Ug99 wheat rust. The other 10% of the wheats are only partially able to fend off the Ug99 wheat rust. However that other 10% of wheats are entirely vunerable to other types of wheat rust (other than Ug99)!

Scientists didn't start trying to battle Ug99 until 2002. Ug99 kills as much as 3/4ths of each wheat field it infects (sometimes more).

The march of Ug99 accross Africa is happening in a very predictable manner. By 2013 Ug99 will have reached India, and China, and covered Africa.

A hurricane could blow Ug99 to America, as hurricane Hugo blew soy bean rust to the U.S. Travelers can also bring Ug99 to places much faster.




  1. You're a saint for trying to help people understand our predicament; when you yourself could sit back and watch being 99% further along than most of us in preparations.

    But as you can see, no good deed goes unpunished.

    I was focusing on 2020 when China is predicted to become a net importer of grain.

    I think "the problem" will come from an unexpected quarter, and sooner than we think.

    FYI,  my personal doctor (a guru of great personal wisdom who I trust because he cured my wife, my mother and my mother in-law when no one else could) advised me that no one will be safe from the epidemics to come.  There will be no drug, no therapy.  The only defense will be to have a strong immune system.

    It's too much changing too fast; and that doesn't just apply to crops.

  2. It doesn't bother me because I don't eat wheat or anything with wheat in it.  Wheat bothers me.  Food with wheat & wheat glutens cause me bodily pain and much gastrointestinal distress.

    I figured if feeding whole soaked wheat kernels to my pigs made them gain weight really fast and gave them arthritis so bad they would go lame then how can wheat be any good for me?  

    So when I cut out wheat and anything that had wheat in it....guess what?..... I lost weight, didn't have any more bodily pain, and my gastrointestinal distress went away!  Just like that!  No more Prilosec, Tums, and pain killers did I need to take.  So if wheat left the planet so be it there are far better grains out there to be used.

    Some might say well it is the added ingredients that caused the problems but what I fed the pigs is whole and chipped pieces of wheat with nothing else added.  So if a grain is too hot for an animal that is a whole lot like the human animal then it is too hot for me too!

  3. My preparations where made years ago.   I read the instruction book, it told me clearly that we would run out of food, but at the same time it told me not to worry about that, that it was all under control.   I have no reason to fear

  4. No. I'm not sure where you got your data, but Ug99 is not the threat that I guess some people are saying. The truth is, wheat resistant to rust will just become more dominant and seed made from that resistant strain will become the primary seed we use, if your scenario is correct.

    I wouldn't worry about it that much.

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