
Does Universal Studios allow outside food?

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Universal Studios in Hollywood




  1. I took SUBWAY in Universal Studios once.

    "in a backpack"

    btw they did search my backpack and they didn't say a thing.

  2. why would you want to take food in? maybe depending on how much you plan to take in

  3. i think so, yes

  4. when we went we had a drink, I did not see any signs saying otherwise. It is not a place that you could lug a cooler around though. There are all types of restaurants there some of which aren't expensive. Just look around before you eat. Have fun! WE HAD A BLAST!!!  

  5. yeah they do 1 day i was with my friends at UNS and we had food outside and drinks and candy and stuff

    btw why are u asking a question u already know probably?

  6. If you carry it in a backpack, they won't say nothing. They use to post signs saying "No outside food," but most places had taken them down when some hot-shot lawyer sued one of the theme parks for coercion to force patrons to buy their overpriced junk food. Its when you bring an insulated chest that may have beer or any alcoholic beverage is when they'll stop you. But If you have 2 or 3 bottled water and a few sandwiches and snacks in a backpack, they won't say nothing.  Also, the US Constitution gives us the right against unlawful search and seizure, so asking to see what's in your backpack is asking to get sued. Just say "do you have a search warrant, or are you telling me we loose our Constitutional rights against unlawful search & seizure when we enter this park?"  This is a clue to let them know you could be a graduate student going through law school.  

  7. Like any other theme park in CA, No. If you get hungry or thirsty in the park, they want you to buy it there so they make even more money off you.  

  8. No

  9. The actual answer is yes, to a degree.  Fruits/vegetables are allowed, as is bottled water and baby food (this is their official policy, though the only place I've seen it posted is the top of the escalator from Frankenstein Parking, which is employee parking except on really busy days).  Any other food has to be snuck in.

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