
Does V8 juice have MSG?

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Does V8 juice have MSG?




  1. Guest59472
    So true!  I had a brain injury at age 3.  Because of that injury MSG can enter my brain at high levels and give me a horrible long terrible migraine.  Everyone else experiences damage to the neurons in their brains...but they are just not aware of it.  Until it causes dementia...then Alzheimer's, or Parkinsons, ALS or any of those twitchy diseases and even a higher risk of stroke and heart attack.




  2. Campbell's own website admits they use MSG in most of their products, with only a few specialty items that don't have it. V8 is one that does. For those who are sensitive to MSG, this hidden ingredient is the same as eating any other kind of poisoned food. It will make you sick. It's no joke, and it's not hype. There are alternative brands of vegetable juice that don't have MSG in them, but you usually have to go to a health food store to find them. And still always, always read the labels carefully. "Natural flavoring" is almost always MSG in disguise. Why else wouldn't they simply list this ingredients along with all the others, if there was nothing to hide and no reason to hide it?  

  3. Disodium Guanylate and Disodium Inosinate are both on the label. They are both MSG-type ingredients

  4. It does---MSG is also labed as": natural flavorings and citric acid----

  5. Where do these people come from?  Completely uneducated.  If the MSG is not 100% then it can be added and is not required to be listed as an ingredient.  So 99% MSG hidden in another name is perfectly legal.  Uneducated people should "chime in". Campbells uses MSG and hides it in their products whenever they can. The fact that people are so uneducated is why companies can continue to poison the food supply

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