
Does VOIP plans include internet?

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We have had AT&T landline and internet for quite a few years, but it is getting close to $100 per month. I have been thinking of going with VOIP since we also have cell phones. Do any of these VOIP plans come with internet or do I have to keep them separate? Also, is it worth changing to VOIP? I am tired of paying all the $$$ for landline/internet and cell phone.

I checked with AT&T about their VOIP and they said that I still have to keep a landline regardless for their VOIP to work. Is that true with all of these companies?? This is confusing.




  1. The VOIP plan that I have is only for $24.95 and it's UNLIMITED calls to U.S., Canada, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, United Kingdom, Ireland, Italy, Spain, France and China!  Check out this website.  You can purchase it from there too.  If the other person also have the same plan, calls are FREE.  You can also check out the videophone too if you want to see who you're calling.

  2. When it comes to VoIP, you don't need to be tied to any particular Internet ISP.  You can use DSL, Cable, or Wireless high-speed Internet with any VoIP VSP of your choice.

    There are many VoIP service providers to choose from.  AT&T is just one of many.

    As home phone replacement, I use InPhonex and CallCentric.

    These are Pay-As-You-Go services. No contracts, no commitments, no strings. They are also BYOD (bring your own device), so you can buy your VoIP ATA from any online store that sells ATA's, and configure the VoIP ATA with any service that allows SIP ATA connection (like InPhonex and CallCentric).  

    I have one VoIP box with 2-Lines. 1-Line connected to InPhonex.  Line-2 connected to CallCentric.... one VoIP box, two service providers.  But, I can switch at any time, if I choose.

    I only sign up with services that don't have contracts or long term commitments.

    It doesn't stop there.  I also use PC-based softphohes on my PC, too.  So, when working on the PC, I can make VoiP calls over my PC using a headset with built-in mic, so I can talk and work hands-free.

    On my PC I use VoIP services such as Skype, Gizmo5, PcCall, Efonica, hotfoon, and even InPhonex and CallCentric with user-configurable softphones like X-LIte, WengoPhone, and 3CX.

    There are many, many ways and services to choose from.  I have a web site dedicated to learning about "The Many Ways to VoIP" on my CQ VoIP Call web site.

  3. You actually need an internet connection to get VOIP.

    The reason they want you to keep the landline is so that you could get your DSL service.

    If you bill is too high do this

    get the basic phone service without any additional service like long distance, caller id etc.

    your cellphone service got all this feature already so you might think of getting rid of em in your landline.

    also check your internet bill mine is only 14.99 a month but ATT will automatically sign you up for 29.99 i think, when your contract expired.

  4. I think I can help you, I know of a great provider for land line and voip, and their voip service allows free calling over the whole of the USA, Canada, Puerto Rico and Hawaii, all for a small monthly fee.

    If you would like to find out more email me and I will give you my web site address which has a link to the US network.


  5. Typically not check out this website for details Good Lcuk!!

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