
Does VP nominee Palin being embroiled in a corruption scandal, abusing power of her office help Republicans?

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I think it does because we all know Republicans LOVE scandal!




  1. your an idiot do you even know what the scandal was? was her ex brother in-law was a state trooper and one of her staff tried to get him fired but she had nothing to do with it........

  2. Her husband works for BP...hmmm...fishy much?! And, she doesnt care about wildlife & polar bears becoming endangered or global warming. She is for drilling of oil & destroying the natural habitat of animals. Great VP huh? Oh yeah, not to mention she is against g*y marriage & abortion...Obama has my vote for sure. Im Democrat & for the working middle class of America, not for slimeball corrupt douches

  3. She will fit in right with the Republicans.  No training necessary!!!

  4. a "corruption" scandal? The last time I checked she wasnt bff's with Rezko and got a sweetheart deal for her home...or bffs with domestic terrorists. You cannot use the "scandal" and "inexperience" arguments. What else you got?

  5. Once again I see a smear job going on.

    No facts, no quotes, and nothing to show proof.

    Yes there was a problem going on but she has shown that it was not her doing nor did she take part in it.

  6. You are a typical democrat.  She is not embroiled in anything.

    Governor Palin is the most down to earth politician that could ever be introduced to the United States of America.  

    Quality of character, and integrity.

    I now have hope in our future!!


  7. nope but..

    Palin's "...articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking..."

    AND CHANGE NOT another Lawyer!

  8. yes and she apologized to him and he was not fired now what bring it!!!!!!!!!

  9. Unfortunately, they don't care about abuse of power. They're only trying to look progressive in order to garner more votes. Not only did she fire the public safety commissioner for personal reasons not at all related to any problem with his job performance, but as mayor, she also fired a police chief because he supported her opponent. Yet again not relating to performing his duties, but purely out of spite. His lawsuit against her was dismissed not because she fired him for a good reason, but because the judge ruled it's within the law to fire someone for purely political reasons. Additionally, as governor she relieved from duty the entire Board of Agriculture and Conservation when things didn't go her way.

    While being spiteful and trying to rule over the other contestants in a beauty pageant may not be a problem, they aren't very good qualities in a possible VP of the USA. They didn't call her "Sarah Barracuda" for nothing.

    (Due to time constraints, I'm leaving out her hipocritical stances on Hilary Clinton, global warming and drug legalization. Also, if she does win, I hope you also don't mind outsourcing.)

    Just for the record, I am really in the middle about which candidate should be the next president. Now, with both of the VP picks being even worse than our choices for president I'm really frustrated. I thought that at least one of them could choose a good running mate to help make their stands. Now they've just shown the voter's that despite their differences they do have one thing in common: bad decision making skills. (And no, I didn't support Clinton, either)

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