
Does Victoria's Secret Lip Gloss Damage your Lips?

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I have a shiny lip gloss from Victoria's Secret, and I was wondering if it damages your lips, because I've heard it has snake venom in it to make ur lips look bigger, so if I leave it on, will it start to sting?




  1. there's no snake venom in an lip product, it's a myth. second no lip product is going to be damaging to your lips.

  2. no there's no snake venom in it, its apprved by peta

  3. you've heard? i dont think thats true...

  4. I've never heard of snake venom in any lip gloss. I wear VS's Beauty Rush lip glosses. I love them.  

  5. well what kind is it? cuz i can see why snake venom would but just regular lipgloss doesnt. ive been using there lipgloss for months and ive had no problems

  6. okay.

    its not bad for you.

    the snake venom isnt going to ruin your lips..

    or burn them off...

    or harm them in anyway.

    its just a way of plumping you lips.

    do NOT worry if you leave it on!!

    but.... you may just have the normal lipgloss from there... idk

    if it doesnt say plumper... it just says...

    beauty rush on it and its in a clear tube... than you are goodd.

    good luck! hope that helped!

  7. uhhh no! no store can sell you lipglosss that will make your lips sting, nd i seriously don't think that theres snake venom in it, i mean its gotta be something made by dermatologists that is safe to use for long periods of time!!

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