
Does Viggo Mortensen have a girlfriend?

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  1. You don't see the problem?  He gave her the role in "Appaloosa" to bring her to America and get her away from her husband.  How many years ago was that?  Right at that time he writes a poem about "how we don't know what is going to happen or maybe we do" which is about a man being alone with a woman for the first time romantically.  He is a hypocrite because he tells people who to vote for, as if he knows best, and then he just goes around living his life anyway he chooses, whether it is illegal or immoral.  But we are not supposed to.  It is the same Hollywood story.  The "benevolent dictator".  He can have multiple homes, multiple women (married or not), flit from one country to the next, have millions of dollars in the bank, but golly gee vote democrat, the "loving, conscientious way" or you are wrong.  Such bull.  I am glad they got caught.  I am glad her husband kicked her butt out. 

  2. I am not judging anyone, but to believe they only started dating in 2009 is ridiculous. There is way too much evidence otherwise. I knew her PR people would invent this story about them getting together only after her divorce. That is why they were so careful not to be seen in public until now when her divorce became final. Well to each his own, I hope it was worth ending a marriage.

  3. Ariadna Gil divorced from her husband a few months ago and was separated from him since at least summer/fall 2009 (you can find it in the spanish press). Some newspapers said that she and Viggo Mortensen started dating in December 2009 so I don't see the problem as she was no longer with her husband at that time. Anyway I think the previous post is right it is not our business and we cannot judge what we don't know.

  4. Hey, if it is true that he is in a relationship with Ariadna Gil, that is his business and for his conscience to deal with, not ours.  Besides, morality aside, since it has been speculated that Viggo is g*y, this relationship indicates he is not.  Yes!!  For that I'm glad!  

  5. 1. It is not Viggo doing the cheating, but Ariadna Gil, so why take this out on him? Not his responsibility.
    2. When someone says, "do the right thing by kicking the b******s of office who have wrecked the country" it is NOT the same as asking people to be a 'Family Values' whatever.
    3. Besides, all these Family Values voters hypocritically vote again and again for politicians who cheat on their wife (McCain, Gingrich (WHEN he was accusing Clinton of cheating, EVEN!], Giuliani, Sanford, Ensign), go to the hookers (Vitter, indeed), do money laundering (Tom Da Lay), or commit high treason and then lie commit purgery about the treason (Scooter Libby)
    These same ReichWing Family Value Voters completely brown-nose all the Palins, when it is clear that Sarah can't even teach Bristol how to keep her legs closed. One set of rules for them, one for us Real Americans.

  6. he appears to be in a on/off relationship with spannish actress adrina gil.

  7. @Guest16048709 You got your morals screwed the wrong way. Supporting a Democrat is NOT the same as saying that you can't cheat on your wife.

    Viggo didn't go around telling people NOT to do a certain thing, like David Vitter does when he tells people not to cheat on their wives and forbids them to go to hookers, and then doing exactly THAT thing himself .... like David Vitter does, cheating on his wife with hookers, several times.

    The best part about Repubes like Vitter are his voters of course, who suck up that load of BS "Family Values" Kool-Aid, and then after finding out he's just a cheating SOB, STILL vote for him .....Ah, Repub voters, one set of rules for them, another one for regular folks.

  8. You don't have to see every picture to know it is true. They caught him in Spain coming out of her apartment after spending the night there. That is proven by the photo.  She was in Croatia the same time he was there two weeks ago.  Coincidence?? He said he could not do a play in Spain that only ran for two months because of a sick mother right AFTER Ariadna Gil backed out.  And now he is running all over the globe (and yes, photographed) and signed on for more movies. He can commit to movies, but not to a play??? That doesn't make any sense.  Where is his sick mother that he ran home from Spain to be with?? She is well enough for him to make movies and to travel extensively every single week, but she is too sick for him to be in Spain? Oh please! And Ariadna Gil was in "Appaloosa" with him. In fact, he got her the part and now he wears the heart pin on his lapel that he gave to her character in the movie.  You don't have to be Sherlock to figure this one out.

  9. No one knows if VM has a girlfriend or not! Or his relative only know it. Who are you to judge people you don't know personnally? These rumors of him dating Ariadna Gil have been spread by the yellow papers and none of them confirm it (or deny it I know). What is very funny is that I looked for the "Iceland pictures" and I found nothing on the internet. No pictures, at least some comments on it by people unable to put a link to prove what they were saying. The same for the picture taken in Coatia, I only saw him in the pictures, not Ariadna Gil so people can tell what they want but there is no real proof currently of them dating and having cheating on Ariadna's former husband.

  10. Yeah..Viggo and Ariadna have been having an affair and cheatingon David possibly for a couple of years - going against everything Viggo has ever said about respect for people and relationships etc....I hope David stops her from taking the kids out of Spain.  She wants Viggo to get her int English speaking/Hollywood movies..he has already got her into a Danish one....she pulled out of the play because she spilt with David - I think Ariadna and Viggo only wanted to do the play to be together...he pulled out because he said his mother was ill and was then spotted in the USA/Canada and Iceland with Ariadna - so much for his mum being ill.
    I bet we see Aridana in many movies through Viggo's connection..maybe even Viggio's own movies....but I won't support him anymore.....I don't like cheating.....

  11. We would all like to know that. But you should ask him yourself to find out. He rarely talks about private matters like these with the press. The Aridna Gil rumor has been going around for years now, he has never confirmed it and has always said they were friends. He says he couldn't come to Madrid anymore due to the recent worsening of his mother´s health.

    believe what you want to believe but i think except for the people close to him no one really KNOWS and a lot of people claim to know.

  12. He was having an affair with Ariadna Gil in Spain, but her husband found out.  Her husband then had his brother, who is the director of the play "Purgatorio", dismiss them both from the play.  She has now left her husband to be with Viggo.  Ahh Hollywood actors!!! One set of rules for them.  One set of rules for us.  Wasn't Viggo Mortensen the moral watch dog of American politics telling everybody who they should vote for because it was the "right thing to do"?  He can't even keep his own life within moral limits. I love it when the high and haughty get exposed.

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