
Does Virginia raise the cost of liquor sold in Navy Exchanges? (avg price is 30% compared to NEX in Florida)?

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NS Norfolk and NAS Oceana in Virginia NEX Package Stores sell liqour at about 30% higher price compared to NAS Jacksonville and NS Mayport in Florida. Virigina liquor stores are run by the state where Florida liquor stores are independently run. Shouldn't the prices be generally the same from base to base since it's run by the Navy?




  1. I couldn't find any documentation on it.  They may be doing some sort of import charge on stuff.  The Class Six in Alaska would do that on certain beers.  

    But yeah, as a rule the military exchange stores are supposed to offer as close to the same prices as possible everywhere you go.  It very likely has to do with the Navy's contract for those properties.  

    Just like how some places everything that happens on post is strictly military jurisdiction, whereas other places it's joint jurisdiction.  I guess that can transfer Alcohol and Tobacco sales as well.

    Like I said, I couldn't find anything solid on the internet.  You could email AAFES and ask customer service directly.  (Do Navy Exchanges operate under AAFES?  Anyway, I'd contact the parent organization and ask.)  What's the point of having a military only store if they can't provide us with the cheapest hooch possible?

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