
Does WIC provide a breast pump? Or allow you to rent one for free?

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I think that's what some woman told me, but she was trying to give me so much information at once that only half of it made sense.




  1. You would have to contact WIC and see if they offer that.  I know there are programs out there to rent a pump..  if WIC doesnt offer that service, they should know where to direct you.

  2. I think they loan them out.

    Which is great, because the fact that they just give out formula to whoever wants it discourages SO many women from even attempting to breastfeed. It makes me sad

    And AMEN to your update.

    I'm in the same boat as you, and it makes me happy to know you're not ashamed to ask for help.

    Why should your baby have to suffer just because you got pregnant at an unideal time?

    People are stupid.

    Your baby is lucky to have a strongwilled mother like you who is determined to do what is best for him, even if it means swallowing your pride and admitting you need help.

    Because breastfeeding is the best choice you can make for your baby.

    That other poster can suck it.

    Best of luck!

  3. Someone had told me that too and I have been trying to find out for sure but haven't had any luck but I go to WIC on tuesday so I am going to ask them then.  I know many areas either give you a manual or help you rent one but I have heard a couple people say they got a free electric pump.  I was told by my niece that they told her that she had to breastfeed for 6 weeks before they would help with the pump so they knew she was committed and then my sister told me that they told her the same thing and told her they would give her a free single electric pump to use.  I would just call down to WIC and find out what your WIC program does.  

  4. I don't think they do.  Check with your local health department(county or city) and, see if you can borrow one for free.

    My (ex)fiance went to the county health department and, that is where she was able to obtain one.

  5. Yes they do. I was just their on Mon and asked about free breast pumps.  contact wic to get more info.  

  6. Yes, I think they do loan breast pumps out or just give you one.

    If I knew which state you were in, I could have told you specifically, as it is based on State funding.

  7. wic gives out the hand held pump and they get a few electric ones if you need one. I just went to the breast feeding class last week and they told us about it  

  8. Yes they do, and they provide other benefits to breastfeeding mother's as well. I looked it up for you and here is the Link. Good Luck! And i hope It helps.

  9. yes, WIC can provide you with a breast pump if you cannot afford one.  

  10. Yes they do!  WIC really wants everyone to breastfeed (of course cheaper for them, healthier for the baby). I have heard some states actually give them to you to keep, but where I live they just loan them.  Either way, you can get a breast pump from them.  

    P.S. don't listen to the haters or let them bring you down.  Don't you love how they judge you and don't know you.  I'm in the same boat, but trust things will get better!

  11. i have heard they give you one. But they never told me about it so im mad, my friend told me. So gona have to look into it.

  12. Yes. I live in Oregon and in 2006, I rented one for free from them. I could only have it for a certain amount of time though (not sure how long) because other women were waiting.... But I ended up having to pump exclusively when my baby wouldn't latch on... sooo they gave me mine for free! It was awesome.  

  13. yes they sometimes can give them to you if they have them.....and i think they rent .......but i think they run out quick

  14. im pretty sure they dont, but it would be great if they did!  

  15. I just wanted to say that anything can happen at any time.  I have a five year degree, working full-time and my husband lost his job suddenly.  Did I swallow my pride after 18 years of working my way through high school and college and subsequently with well-paying jobs?  Sure did....doesn't matter what you PLAN for, anything can and will happen.

    Good for you for providing a life for your child!

    And thanks for asking the question, I need to ask at my next appt myself.

  16. I know i'll be getting the thumbs down for this, but, why are you having a baby if you can't even support it?

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