
Does WUSHU is a fighting MARTIAL art or just a DANCE?

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wushu look like dance,that is useless in actual combat

does wushu had fighting skills also

if i will start in 3 years how much i will learn? should i start learning wushu?

it will be beneficial for me or not?

do any one of you practice wushu?




  1. Wushu is a category of Chinese martial arts.  There are many different forms and my understanding is it is a bit more "aggressive" than other kung-fu forms.  The movements and techniques of these martial arts are combined into "forms," similar to a kata in karate, making the movements easier to learn and allowing the student to develop his motor skills.  These forms resemble a dance because of it's intertwined movements.

    In that it is a martial art, it can be used in actual combat.  It's effectiveness without extensive training, however, is debateable.  But this is true for any martial art.

    Whether or not training in wushu is beneficial for you is dependent on your intentions in training.  If you want to improve physical fitness, take part in a new and exciting hobby, while also learning some self-defense techniques, it will be most definitely beneficial.  If you're trying to compete in mixed martial arts and expect the need to defend yourself on the street in the next couple of months, I would say train in something more "combat-efficient."

    While I don't personally practice wushu, this is my understanding of the art and interpretation of its effectiveness based on my martial arts experience.  Good luck with your training!

  2. Modern wushu aka Sanda or Sanshou is very effective, arguably as effective as muay thai. It's very similar except that includes throws that resemble wrestling.

  3. I swear to God you've asked this before.

    The objective of Wushu essentially is to strengthen people’s physical condition and skill in self defence. The individual movements were derived from the techniques and skills used for self-defence and fighting for survival. Various movements and techniques have since then been modified, evolved and divided in to different styles which can be categorised in to external or internal. Nowadays, the different styles and all kinds of forms we practice are actually all the individual actions that are linked together, in order to be more convenient and easier to practice.

    There is a common misunderstanding however, that Wushu is only performed beautifully with strong emphasis on artistic performances and that it is not able to be applied in real fighting

    Around the 1970’s Chinese Martial Arts started to pay more attention on performing various routines artistically. It drew people’s attention and quickly became popular. This new representation of Chinese Martial Arts not only gave an opportunity for the practitioner to express themselves more freely, but also introduced it as an art for others to see and admire the amazing human body language. A set of compulsory movements and techniques within the forms (called Taolu) has been introduced to act as guidance to set different standards or levels for athletes to work on. It includes various types of jumps, kick, twists etc and are required to be performed with perfection, beautifully and elegantly, and twist and jump to be as more or as high as possible; it is therefore not difficult to understand that current compulsory (sport and competition) Wushu has great demand on body work and techniques, which asks for immense skill acquired through dedication and hard work.

    Regardless of how it has evolved, the fundamental origin of current wushu is the traditional Chinese Martial Arts. Whether it can be applied in terms of fighting, I believe it depends on the level of understanding of those movements and its application by each different person. No doubt, it is less actual fighting skills than the traditional training method, nevertheless, it does included self-defence techniques. It may appear that there is less actual fighting in current training method than in the traditional training method, there are essences of self-defence techniques embedded.

    In order to enhance self-defence ability, most schools employ, sanshou which focuses on fighting applications. There are many that focus only on forms.

    In short it really depends on the school. Ask if they do sanshou.

    Finally, it is impossible to tell how much you will learn in 3 years. It all depends on your dedication, on your objectives, and on the amount of quality and quantity of training you get.

  4. you have to be joking if you think wushu is for old people. this isnt tai chi we are talking about. wushu is a full contact sport. while it does have routines that people show, it is also a physical contact martial art. it is definitely worthwhile learning and has something to teach everybody.

  5. Most kids who start Wushu start very young, like when they are kids, not adolescents, as extreme flexibility is required.  Wushu has both Sanda (combat) and forms.  Totally cool stuff.

    I have been studying Wu style Taiji for a long time and I really love watching the Wushu kids do their thing, they start young, by the time they are adolescents, they have some amazing movement and fluidity.

    Jet Li is a champion Wushu artist.

  6. wushu yes I know something. The guy that took it at my job is an exteme lunatic*out of his mind* thats all.

  7. no it'snot a dance it's a self guarding art

  8. Don't be deceived by it's looks. Wushu is all business.

  9. listen wheather u do wushu yoga or weight lifting just do it already my chi kung tells me that u are one who thinks that  martial arts is useless against super strong ppl like lets say undertaker and well i may disaggee but if thats how u feel just do it u could have already been a mounth in training had u not asked sooooooo many times im going to say wushu works and it is fighting  and it is a decent workout but just do the d**n thing if u keep asking then u will never feel it because erybodies ansewers tell u to feel it like it is personal preference and i do alll 3 my fave is martial arts but u need to do one already don ask like fitty times ..........oh an ps my friends can beat the great kali easily and they are small one of em literaly 125 lb    it aint all bout size sometimes.....good luck and jsut try something

  10. yea

  11. Wushu is for old farts in your local park. A good fighting martial art is Muay Thai. Wushu has never been proven affective on video in a full contact fight so don't listen to anyone if they say it is affective in actual combat. Im sure its a great work out, but then again so is dancing.

  12. Wushu is definately a fighting martial art, however, for money making commercial purpose, business people such as film investors try to add some kind of rythms to wushu in the movies plus the camera effects to make them more entertaining.  

    When engaging in real fightings, wushu doesn't look like dancing at all, but fighting, with tactics and strategies.  Other than using brain when engaging in fighting, the daily practise would make you a winner, practice makes perfect.

    Usually it takes very long years ( more than 3 years) of hard works for a fighter to be able to get to proficiency in applying the tactics in body contact fightings.  Wushu includes bare hand fighting and fighting with weapons.  If you are able to master just 1 kind of weapons, you can fight off several guys at the same time with just one piece of weapon.

    There are hundred of branches in wushu, each of the branches have their own fighting style and theory, some are more cruel than others, those cruel ones are meant to take your life in 2-3 minutes while others are just intend to take you down.  You can search for more information first before you decide which one you would want to learn from and if you have that branch of wushu school in your vicinity.

    However, without the ability to tolerate pain when engaging in fighting, you won't be able to be a winner, even if you have practised well any kind of martial art.

    To be a good fighter, you have to be consisted of several elements to make you a winner:  proficiency in martial art, fighting tactics, courage, agressiveness and pain tolerant.

  13. It's definitely a chines fighting martial art.

    It's somehow related to kungfu, with many projections.

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