
Does Wales generally get more Snow than England because of the montanous elebvation?

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Does Wales generally get more Snow than England because of the montanous elebvation?




  1. While the terrain of Wales is about 500 feet higher than the highest terrain in England, the English mainland actually receives more snow than Wales.  This is because England is farther north than Wales and because it has more land that is set away from the coastline.  More land farther away from the water promotes colder temperatures, since the ocean keeps nearby land areas warmer in the winter.

    The Pennines in Northern England, a mountain range that rises to about 3000 feet, see snowfall covering the ground for an average of 90 days each winter.  In contrast, the highest elevations of Wales, which reach 3500 feet, see snowfall covering the ground for about 30 days.

  2. I'm from Wales and i haven't seen much snow round here for a while. I have a friend in England who seems to get alot where they live but they're from the North.

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