
Does Walter need the assistance of Mr McCoist and Co.If not who do you think will fill the position better

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Does Walter need the assistance of Mr McCoist and Co.If not who do you think will fill the position better




  1. To be honest I think they need ally more than ever! They need to pick them up dust them off and get them ready for the new season so i hope they fire him cause i want them dispondent so utd can take 2nd

  2. colemans would do a better job

    or what about the laughing cow

    whats the difference between walter+ally and mr mcgoo

    mr mcgoo can see what's goin on hahahahahahahahahaha

  3. I don't understand Walter Smith, he plays 1 up front against a pub team from Lithuania....

    I doubt Ally McCoist has the tactical nous to take over rangers anyway, I just see him as a motivator really, not the master tactician.

  4. I assume you mean Ally McCoist was to blame for the pathetic performance in Lithuania...?

    Arrogance was to blame.  1979, liverpool were thrashed by Dynamo Tblisi in the European cup for the same reason.

    Just read any posting from any know nothing fan of a club that has had even the tiniest amount of success!

  5. don't think the blame lies at allys door..if walter doesn't know by now his tatics and team selection don't work then i honestly think there must be big changes..i don't want to see either going but he can't be set in his ways x

  6. what sort of ******* daft question is that ??

    you making this pish up as you go along ??

  7. He needs to rethink his tactics and team selection, they have been at the root of his problems. He should have literally demolished kaunas at Ibrox. One up front wont work this season

  8. He needs to listen to Ally more not get shot of him!

  9. he would be better listening to chemical Ali..... at least he got things moving

  10. its a wonder its not kenny mcdowall and kenny millers fault.ex celtic,must have been them

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