
Does Washington, DC have the potential of hosting the Summer Olympic Games? Why or why not?

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Washington, District of Columbia was one of many American Cities that put forth a bid for the 2012 Summer Olympic Games. Although they missed the cut for the games, they did not put forth a bid for the 2016 Summer Olympics. If they did, I am not aware of DC putting for a bid.

Do you believe Washington, District of Columbia has the capability of hosting the Summer Olympic Games. Why or why not?


I do believe Washington, DC does have the capability of hosting the Summer Olympics but since so many American City would like to host the Summer Olympics, they would have to make a good case to why they would be a great city to host the Summer Olympic Games.




  1. You are correct.  The original list of cities petitioning the USOC for a chance to bid for the 2016 Games were Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Houston and Philadelphia.  Washington DC was never a 2016 candidate nationally or internationally.  In the end, the USOC voted to offer Chicago as their official 2016 bid city to the IOC.

    Considering how much building Washington DC would have to do to accommodate the Olympics and how limited their land space already is, especially when historical preservation is taken into account, I would say that hosting an Olympic Games in DC would be unlikely.

  2. If a city bids for say 2012 and fails they can't bid for a certain amount of time after that i'm just not sure how long

  3. i think it would be great considering the new baseball stadium, and there are three three international airports in the area.

  4. I think that would be a great place to have the games. But there might be danger to Athletes or something there.  

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