
Does Water has protein?

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if not what else thing it has.




  1. No, though it has minerals.


    Sodium, Iron, Calcium, Potassium and other such things.

  2. water has nothing it just keeps you hydrated...peanut butter peanuts all meats cheese has some...

  3. No, water is nothing more then a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen, proteins come from amino acids, like meat.

  4. No protein, but many other things depending on where it came from. Definitely some oxygen and hydrogen (:)), minerals (unless it was distilled), chlorine, lead, arcenic, cysts, pesticides and herbicides, industrial chemicals, dirt, asbestos fibers and more. Most of these in trace amounts so you wouldn't actually see them and they are relatively harmless as indicated by government safety standards - if you don't trust them, drink distilled water, that's what I do.

  5. It has calcium.

  6. peanuts

  7. Not by itself, it doesn't, but there are bottled 'protein waters' on the market now with added protein.  The jury is still out on their effectiveness.  I think you're better off drinking clean pure water and eating a hard boiled egg if you're looking to up your protein.

  8. nope, but meat peanuts beans and cheese do, fish is your best bet as it is high in protein but most fish are low in fat

  9. Water is just hydrogen, and oxygen. Nothing else. (unless you put like a steak in the water) If you read the ingredient label, everything is right there, they cannot lie. There is no protein.

  10. No it does not. Nor does it contain anything of food value. But water is still a vital thing to help our systems work properly. We need it to clean out waste products from our bodies and to urinate with. About 70% of most of our foods are water.

    Protein is in meat, eggs, milk and its products as well as in vegetables and fruits. However the first mentioned 3 kinds of food have some of the protein in the form of fat which is not regarded as healthy and these kinds of foods should be eaten in their less fatty forms and with moderation.

  11. no. It has energy. it is very healthy. Chicken has protein. So does pretty much any oher food besides junk food.

  12. nothing! it's hydrogen plus oxygen. it's just water

  13. yes

  14. Water is pure it is literally just two hydrogens to one oxygen. No protein molecules in regular water.

  15. Nope....pure water is a natural compound made up of oxygen and hydrogen..(H2O)..sometimes it may contain some minerals such as sodium,calcium,phosphate,etc...mineral water is a gd example...


    no water has no protein nor vitimans........we need water to be hydrated....thats about it.

    you get protein from meet and eggs.

    ps: your grammar sucks

    if you are over 6 years of age I think you should hang your head in shame.

  17. Proteins are dissove in water Water does not have protein. Proteins are the basis of animal body structures (eg, muscles, skin, hair etc.). They are composed of amino acids, sometimes many thousands, which are characterized by inclusion of nitrogen and sometimes sulphur. Water is a common chemical substance that is essential for the survival of all known forms of life. It hydrates and revitalises the body but u cant depend only on it to live since our metabolism is too developed and needs hard nutrients.

  18. no

    It is a healthy free drink.  No properties

  19. No it doesn't have a protein but I think it has iron

  20. Good question......Water is probably the most essential nutrient we have. It is also the coolest substance. Like Bruce Lee Said........"be water my friend" It is the strongest yet softest, it can take on any shape and it can destroy and sustain life. It is the only thing that can not be destroyed by fire. Also the most abundant substance on earth. Our bodies are mostly water as well. Philosophically speaking it is the dao te ching. the flow the way. water is god.

    but NO it doesnt  contain protien.

  21. Nothing. Mineral water might have a few minerals in negligible amounts.  

  22. wow.

    water does not have protein its just water basically 0 everything.

    try special k water  or protein shakes

  23. It has fluoride for your teeth.

    you gotta be silly thinkin it has protien

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