
Does Weed Cause Cancer?

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Im almost certain it doesnt but people said it does. (Only answer if you, or someone you know has cancer as a result of weed)




  1. No weed is VERY good for you, it helps the body in soo many ways. I have never herd of it but the only cancer you might get is lung from the actual smoke but I highly dbout it. Girls,weed is the best pain killer for female problems,trust me. You should get on google or check out some herb books and read about all the benafits of smoking weed,weed tea is also very helpful for people who want the benfits witout getting high.

  2. Marijuana has no cancer causing carcinogens. It will cause emphysema with long term use....but to all you who say it causes cancer, why dont you actually use google and smarten yourselves up.....

  3. Perhaps lung cancer, but I don't think so.

  4. THC kills cancer so no.

  5. they had a study on this back in 2006. they found out that even heavy marijuana smokers did not have cancer and that it does NOT damage the lungs small airways causing emphysema...

    it actually helps to stop breast cancer... lol


    Our atmosphere is only 21% oxygen, thus no combustion will be complete.  Burning weed creates carcinogens that are inhaled with its smoke.  Eating or vaporizing it does not produce these carcinogens and thus will not cause cancer. But if you inhale smoke from a burning organic compound, then you're inhaling carcinogens.

    And a message to the responder above: cell phones, microwaves, etc do not cause cancer.  Several studies have shown that there is NO LINK between  these things and cancer

  7. No more than cell phones, steroids, pumping gas, microwaves, styrofoam plates, and practically everything else we do on a daily basis (not that I'm saying go on ahead and smoke it or anything!)  it just seems to me that now days everything "causes cancer"...!

  8. No, it doesn't. Why would they prescribe it to cancer patients if it itself caused cancer? The smoke is bad for your lungs but smoking ANYTHING is bad for your lungs (so use a vaporizer instead ^^ )

  9. No, weed does not.  Its smoking it that can because of the smoke.  Smoke gives people lung cancer.  Not marijuana though.

  10. no, smoke away!!!

  11. Here's the answer according to the latest evidence based medicine.

    "Marijuana is the most commonly used illegal drug in the United States and is considered by young adults to be the illicit drug with the least risk. On the other hand, marijuana smoke contains several of the same carcinogens and co-carcinogens as the tar from tobacco, raising concerns that smoking of marijuana may be a risk factor for tobacco-related cancers.

    We reviewed two cohort studies and 14 case-control studies with assessment of the association of marijuana use and cancer risk. In the cohort studies, increased risks of lung or colorectal cancer due to marijuana smoking were not observed, but increased risks of prostate and cervical cancers among non-tobacco smokers, as well as adult-onset glioma among tobacco and non-tobacco smokers, were observed. The 14 case-control studies included four studies on head and neck cancers, two studies on lung cancer, two studies on non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, one study on anal cancer, one study on penile cancer, and four studies on childhood cancers with assessment of parental exposures. Zhang and colleagues reported that marijuana use may increase risk of head and neck cancers in a hospital-based case-control study in the United States, with dose-response relations for both frequency and duration of use.

    However, Rosenblatt and co-workers reported no association between oral cancer and marijuana use in a population-based case-control study. An eightfold increase in risk among marijuana users was observed in a lung cancer study in Tunisia. However, there was no assessment of the dose response, and marijuana may have been mixed with tobacco. Parental marijuana use during gestation was associated with increased risks of childhood leukemia, astrocytoma, and rhabdomyosarcoma, but dose-response relations were not assessed.

    In summary, sufficient studies are not available to adequately evaluate marijuana impact on cancer risk. Several limitations of previous studies include possible underreporting where marijuana use is illegal, small sample sizes, and too few heavy marijuana users in the study sample. Recommendations for future studies are to (1) focus on tobacco-related cancer sites; (2) obtain detailed marijuana exposure assessment, including frequency, duration, and amount of personal use as well as mode of use (smoked in a cigarette, pipe, or bong; taken orally); (3) adjust for tobacco smoking and conduct analyses on nonusers of tobacco; and (4) conduct larger studies, meta-analyses, or pooled analyses to maximize statistical precision and investigate sources of differences in results. Despite the challenges, elucidation of the association between marijuana use and cancer risk is important in weighing the benefits and risks of medical marijuana use and to clarify the impact of marijuana use on public health."

  12. Sure.

  13. XI nothing and rebecca are ignorant..beyond ignorant..Rebecca your cousin chewing tabacco  caused the mouth cancer ..

  14. well it gives you 50% more carcinogenic material than a regular cigarette so it helps give you cancer.

  15. No. Marijuana has been proven to prevent lung cancer. When people are smoking both cig's and pot they are less likely to get lung cancer if they were smoking just cigarettes.

  16. WTF? are all you people dumb? DUH! it causes cancer. lung cancer and mouth cancer. My cousin has it and his mouth is so sick!

  17. Marajuana contains more carconigens than tobacco and is generally not filtered and is held in the lungs more deeply and for longer periods than cigarette smoke.

    There are several studies on this but think about it, when is it ever really healthy to put smoke in your lungs?

  18. no, and they've actually found that it can help prevent cancer in some ways.

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