
Does Y!A attempt against freedom of speech?

by  |  earlier

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by censoring and removing... You know it happened to al of you!




  1. Y!A thinks because it if a commercial enterprise it is exempt from constitutional law. They claim that this is a voluntary group and if you do not like their rules go somewhere else. However, they are going to get a huge surprise someday, because they fall under interstate trading rules due top their advertising and someone will sue them and win big time for civil rights violation. Until that happens some liberal chick sitting in San Jose CA will continue to run rampant over the first amendment.

    EDIT: witwwats? Just how is it that the Constitution does not apply to anyone residing in the USA?

    You have heard about the Constitution haven't you?

  2. Yes they do, they have taken a side in the election. So if your against Obama be prepared to be censored.

  3. Yea me too. whenever it seems like your attacking someone as an answer they will remove your answer.

  4. This not a public forum.

    Yahoo Answers makes the rules here.

    There is NO freedom of speech, nor is that a violation of the law.

    Don't like it, leave.

  5. yes

  6. No it doesn't but does a great service.  Also provides a lols just reading some of the questions

  7. I have only ever had one question removed - and it was restored when I appealed.

    Which is actually quite hilarious given the inflammatory nature of much of what I post. LOL;

    If you are being removed regularly, you either have some dedicated enemies working on you, or you are OFF THE CHAIN in your postings.

  8. Freedom of speech only applies in public places and public property.

    When you got your account here you agreed to certain terms of behavior.  Yahoo has the right to do this because as the owners of the computers that host this service they are liable for its contents.  

    Look at it this way.  You have the right to throw somebody off your property if they do not follow your rules of conduct - and Yahoo has this right also,

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