
Does Y!A give you strange dreams?

by Guest56035  |  earlier

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*tap tap tap*

"Buk, it's Elaine P!"

Buk- You're bleeding!

Elaine- Don't worry, it's only virtual.

Buk- You mean none of this is real?

Elaine- Everything but the blood.

Buk- I wrote a poem.

Elaine- Read it to me.

Buk- I'ts nominal, at best.

Elaine- Read it to me.

Buk- I'm not sure about the first part....

Elaine- Read.

Buk- But, the-

Elaine- READ!

Buk- *cough* Okay....So,...

Elaine- Sit up straight.

Buk- Yes maam.

Elaine- Project your voice.

Buk- Yes. Okay. This is called SUPER PANTS.

Elaine- Oh, Buk...

Buk- It's not what you think!

Elaine- What else could it possibly be?

Buk- Well, it's not a Trigee...or a "rhymer"...

Elaine- A sonnet, then?

Buk- No, it's just words...and lines...

Elaine- About SUPER PANTS?

Buk- *hangs head*

Elaine- Oh alright, read it to me, Buk.

Buk- *cough* Okay. Well then,...This is SUPER PANTS.....

Elaine- Sit up straight.....




  1. It's only blood,,,,Virtually,,,No No,It's real ,,,Virtually

    All I have to say there Mr Buk is ,,,FAN-d**n-TASTIC

    Words and Lines,,,, Words and Lines,,,,

    Well Done ,,,,,Super Pants,,,,,Well Done

  2. It certainly does.........if I only had the talent to put it on paper......

  3. Yes as a matter of fact I do have strange dreams about y/a once in awhile -

    I'm typing and typing and typing, but there are no words on the page.

    The next time, after memorizing these "words on paper" you have so kindly shared, I will try writing "SUPER PANTS sit up straight"

  4. Are you sitting up it on..super pants

  5. don't leave us in suspense dummy!

  6. welcome back, babe!  I no longer worry about my poor broken ribs, I guess it'll be a virtually chronic condition!

  7. Inspired prose ...

    ‘’I dream in celestial tones, in colours of rainbow hued, I dreamt last night, and awoke in sweat, what you may ask and I hush. It was a place between the moon and the sun, where life had begun and times stood still. It meandered a while and took my hand, I demurred and faltered and fell by the way. It rebuked and reproached, a lost cause am I, too faithless to stand to proud to sit, and unable to lie. Yet it looked with barely concealed contempt, and I blushed, spent and tired. I ran and it held so, stifled and warm, a comfort in a storm, a futile struggle and it holds still. I awoke at midnights stroke, and spoke it so quietly, hush my little one, the morn arises with the sun and the day has just begun. I smiled wryly and a bitterness sweet and yet poison to my love, gnawed at my soul, in my  heart so broken and I so lame, to blame, I refrain from questioning the answer I have not the strength to hear, oh my deary deary dear.’’

    Have a beautiful day ...

  8. You are so funny. Who owns these super pants? We know you don't wear any. I already have strange dreams without Yahoo's help.

  9. I'll pass on the pants, but soup sounds delicious...

  10. oh bucaro it is nice to see you. dreams are for sharing. write me that poem and make it caring. about the super pants, sit up staight before elain claims you.                                         dreams are a strange thing all around.                                                

  11. "Just words and lines," I have discovered

    are graciously accepted among the poets

    who pen with grace the rhymers, trigees and sonnets.

    Thank God.


  12. If you share dreams with me, then you'd be referring to a woman being thrown out of a moving car.

    Interesting enough to have inspired a real interest in me for

    reading SUPER PANTS.

    You've supplied a good scene... fit for a playhouse.

    I do share the hung head... too commonly, maybe.

    To answer your question semi-plainly... it's possible.

    Worrying about that too much creates too many problems.

  13. They're all gonna laugh at you!(Carrie)

    Especially if you get blood on your pants!

  14. Wow. I am impressed by the ooze your brain spits out.

  15. Cough, cough....hilarious!

  16. Very cute....I liked it a lot!!

  17. SUPER PANTS sound more like a youtube...but you write it, I will read it. Welcome back! (((((BUK))))))

  18. Hmmm .... Super Pants reminds me of an old Monster Club hit called Super Sperm.

    ....or ... do the Super Pants actually belong to Superman.

    ahhhhh ....Elaine ... none are spared.


  19. Your poem is? Super Pants?  Just words and lines?

  20. We need a hero!

    Could it be Super Pants?

    Tell us more...


  21. dammit man!

    ...just read the d@mn piece!

  22. I dreamed we all three were sitting up in bed naked having this discussion, but I did not really think it weird, I only saw it as good therapy.

  23. Sounds almost as good as the Babby's Trigee.

    Now, please, Buk, keep sitting up straight, except, of course, when you're writing poetry. Then, I guess you have to lean a little...

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