
Does Yahoo's publication of semi-nude pictures of Miey Cyrus constitute purveying child p**n for profit?

by Guest60189  |  earlier

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Does Yahoo's publication of semi-nude pictures of Miey Cyrus constitute purveying child p**n for profit?




  1. Good question. I haven't seen the pic's. but if they are like that I would think yahoo is in deep sh  shshshshshtrouble..

  2. I have not seen the pictures, but the law in my country is quite clear on children under 16, affording them certain protection as minors. As I see it, anybody that abuses the responsibility that adults have toward children, whether mentally, physicaly. emotionally or for profit are guilty of child abuse - whatever the degree. There is no excuse.

    There is more than one guilty party in this case - her parents/guardians have a duty to ensure that she is not exploited, as do her agent and contract holders (TV company). Yahoo also have a responsibility to ensure that what is published by them or on their sites does not break any laws and upholds certain standards. Bending of these rules will ultimately lead to a lowering of these standards and eventually a position where there is no respect for the rules at all. This can only harm children, who - as they are not afforded their own rights in the legal system and, as they are dependant on adults in making/enforcing these rules - will be the ones that pay the price for our lack of diligence/respect in making sure that these codes are followed.

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