
Does Yahoo ever do anything to remove or warn people who are harrassing a person through Groups or Messenger?

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There is a woman who has been banned from my group. She joined under a few IDs and I removed her each time. She sends nasty emails and IMs to people and even opened a hate group aimed at a person she met on an abuse group. Why won't Yahoo remover her?




  1. I know they do- all people need to at least send the full header of e-mails- the only hope is to include the IP addy and hope it's not spoofed.- there needs to be clear TOS violations- more than bickering you know so look through TOS and locate what fits this person best

    try to ignore them the best you can

    Abuse Form

  2. I'm amazed Yahoo hasn't deleted her account altogether.

    All I can suggest is to continue reporting her for the abuse and the person she has targeted, needs to do the same thing.

    Also when you report her for the abuse, click on her URL to copy it then paste it onto the report form.

    And yes, Yahoo does delete accounts for abuse.  I've been forced to report someone for abuse in the past and they were quickly deleted altogether.

  3. Did you all use the Yahoo Groups Abuse reporting form?  Here is a link to

    You can also report this person to her ISP.  If you provide documentation of all this, her ISP hopefully will delete her internet account.

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