
Does Your Parents hate Buying u Booster pack of Yu-Gi-Oh? if yes y?

by Guest57511  |  earlier

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Does Your Parents hate Buying u Booster pack of Yu-Gi-Oh? if yes y?




  1. Most of the time i buy them myself but when they do they don't like t because of how expensive a piece of cardboard is.

  2. no cuzz i buy my own packs my mom dosin't like yugioh but is fine i with the fact i play it and my dad hates it so much he's ben doing what ever he can to get me to stop playing even thoe it never works (probbly cuzz he beleaves anything that's intelegentr but isin't human is evil no matter what and a monster is an intelegent being that's not human but i think that just cuzz it ain't human dosin't mean it's adematecly evil i beleave in good monsters and good spirits) and i buy cards with my own monny $2.00 a day is my allowens so they don't get anowed (i love the part that dad can't stop me from buying more yugioh just like a Dr. crowler thing sad to say it's diffrent for my brother and i can't help him) so thair ya have it!! ^_^

  3. lol yes my mom hates it. my dad to. but i dont have to worry about my dad, my parents are divorced. but i usually buy my own packs, so it doesnt matter regardless, my mom likes it that its a hobby, shes turned off by tournaments since i got my c**p stolen, but yeah.  

  4. no they like that i have a hobbey. i buy my own packs the only time they do if its christmas a holiday if i did something good or they're just in a good mood.

  5. Hello. My parents don't hate buying the cards, because they don't. I buy them myself, and they HATE that I buy them. They think the game is a waste of time and money, but I've told them it helps get m out of the house and interact with people; that's why I love it so much. Not to mention that these cards are like cardboard crack: once you start you can't seem to quit:)

    Happy Dueling!!!

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