
Does Zionism still play a role in Isreals affairs in this age?

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Does Zionism still play a role in Isreals affairs in this age?




  1. What? Israel is a zionist country.

  2. Zionism is the belief on The Jewish people having a home in their homeland.

    ... with everything that is going on over there..what do you think?

  3. Zionism is the Jewish nationalist movement that the Jewish people should have a homeland after 2000 years of exile. Unfortunately many current Israeli leaders are to left wing and do not follow the Zionist ideas. Zionism should be the basic ideology of Israel today and in the future. The State of Israel should claim all the territories of the biblical Eretz Israel, including the Golan, Judea and Samaria. The Palestinian Arabs have Jordan as a legitimate homeland. The State of Israel must remain the Jewish State, which is the one and only democracy in the Middle East!

  4. Yup yup yup!!!

  5. They always do

    h**l, they begun controlling other nations

    fighting them is the only solution to stop zionism from spread

    and that's ME's ppl work to eliminate them by the way (not governments)

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