
Does Zoloft make anyone else feel sick?

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I hae just gone back on Zoloft(took it at 10:30pm last evening, its 4:12am here now and I am wide awake and feel like I am going to vomit. How can I stop feeling sick? I remember feeling like this last time I started but thought it was because of my eating disorder. I also have general stomach discomfort




  1. Maybe it's not right for you; Please try another medicine. I took Zoloft and it went well with my body; Now, I'm on Lexapro. Now I see here, you need to eat something before you take any anti-depressant medicine or anything! Did you eat anything before you took this medicine? Yeah, That's pretty big; I was on 50mg. Since your taking a big hunk of medicine, you have to eat something dear.

  2. ok when i started taking zoloft the 2nd time they gave me a dosage of 50mg instead of starting me at 25m like the 1st time and i puked it i would definitly say that the reson you feel sick is cause you are on such a high dosage.maybe you can try starting with 50m for the first week and then going to 100m

  3. That is huge. I took zoloft for over a year about ten years ago, and I know my starting dose was a lot smaller than that! maybe that's the problem, maybe talk to your doctor or psychiatrist or whomever prescribed the medication about lowering the dose for a week or so?

    After the first month or so, I didnt' have any issues with bad side effects, (I seem to be lucky that way with most medications), but I did find that I had to stop taking Zoloft because not only was it making me NOT depressed, it was making me completely numb to everything. I didn't feel happy, sad, angry, anything. I've heard other people talk about the same kind of effect. I hope you have better luck.

    Good luck with the stomach thing, maybe lowering hte dose until you get used tot it will work?

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