
Does a 1989 yz 80 go as fast as a newer yz 85? how much faster?

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Does a 1989 yz 80 go as fast as a newer yz 85? how much faster?




  1. wrong forum there bud........

    but to answer your question, a newer YZ 85 has better technology, better motor, and is just an overall better bike than a 19 year old bike. There has been vast improvements on the chassis, suspension and most importantly the engine.

    but to get real technical with you, it all comes down to the ability of the rider. The older bike will beat the new one in the hands of a skilled rider, but not in all cases. the newer bike makes more power, ,and like I stated before, is a better bike.

    Now if you and your buddies just want to know if the newer bike is just plain faster, yes it is. It is a lot more powerful and is just a better bike.......

  2. Yes of course!  A new 85cc has improved on many things and is all nice and tight, where the older bike will be tired.  When racing my son goes through at least a couple of bikes in each section he rides each year as the wear and tear makes the bike not perform as well as it did when it was knew.  It would also depend upon what work each bike has had done, whether it has been ported and jetted to go faster.  

    But you are asking if a senior citizen can win a foot race against a teenager?

  3. alot i have 2 yz85s and my boddy has a yz 80 is a 1992 and there is a huge difference i pull away from him in a drag without a problem.

  4. The new YZ85 is quite a bit better all around verses the 1989 YZ80. Everything from the suspension to the powerband has been significantly improved. In fact, in 1989 the Suzuki RM80 won the Motocross Action battle of the 80cc bikes.

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