
Does a 2006 chevy cobalt LT 2dr coupe run on e85 ethanol fuel?

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I bought it from carmax and I was just wondering abou t*t cuz it did not come with a manuel

I needed to know it it ran on e85 ethanol

What does the 'i' mean on the gear shift

What does the buttons behind the wiper swith <right hand> they seem not to do anything




  1. You&#039;ll find owner&#039;s manuals cheap on eBay occasionally (and expensive the rest of the time :)

    If the gas cap is yellow, you can run E85.  But probably not.

  2. No, but the Chevrolet Impala and Monte Carlo do.

  3. No, and if you try it, your new car will become an expensive yard ornament, like a gazing ball. Or at least you will get an expensive repair bill.

  4. No, unfortunately it does not.

    The switch behind the wipers is probably the steering wheel tilt, but that is just a guess.

    Ask these guys about it, and the &quot;i&quot; on the gear selectior

  5. You can check the E85 web page and it lists all manufacturers that make/sell E85 vehicles.

  6. Go to

    Ethanol is a horrible idea.

    1. It takes more than 1 gallon of gasoline to just make 1 gallon of ethanol.

    2. It cost $1.38 for each gallon of ethanol in government subsides. the tax payer is paying for this.

    3. Your vehicle gets between 24%-34% less fuel economy than gas.

    4. According to ABC 20/20 #1 myth in america

    5. Visit these web sites- (cato institute), ABC 20/20 website, Read the Patzek report.

    6. It has much lower BTU rating than gas.

    7. All 112 Ethanol plants use coal to burn their plant when they can use ethanol- To Expensive

    8. Came out 3 weeks ago. It is worse on the enviroment than gas, this was 18 year study.

    9. Requires 65 cm water to grow a bussel of corn-

    10. Food prices have skyrocketed- Beef, Chicken,Dairy anything with corn, because corn has doubled in price in 2 years.

    11. Soil errods 18x faster than it can replunish itself.

    12. Putting fertilizer and pesticide in our groung water.

    13. ADM plant in Clinton Iowa puts out 20,000 tons of polluntants when the industry standard is 100 tons.

    14. For every $1 ADM makes in profit, it cost the tax payers $30.00 ( ADM makes 70% of the usa ethanol.

    15. If we used all of land to grow corn, it would only reduce 1/2 of 1 percent of the foreign oil indepence.

    15. We have over 400 years of oil in Colorado in the Green river basin, infact more oil hear than than the entire world combined. This can be found anywhere. It was in the 2005 federal energy budget. Can pulled and refined for $12.00 a gallon.

    16. It is so corrisive it can NOT go down our pipelines. It must be shipped by train or truck. More fuel used!!!

    This is just a start of info I have.

    Must watch the ABC 20/20 and cato institute info.

    Hillary Clinton has voted 17 times against ethanol and now she is for it. Wonder why- I know. If are against ethanol in the midwest- you will never get more than 5% of the vote.

    I could go on forever.

    Want to read about Oil Shale in Colorado

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