
Does a 30-06 have alot of kick? (recoil)?

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My stepdad is gettin a 30-06, i dont know what kind. But do they generally have too much kick (recoil) for a 13 year old?




  1. compared to a small caliber gun yes it does but if u are able to shoot a gun with a good amount of kick you would be fine but it really depends on the size of your body, im 15 and i have shot my cousin's 300 win. mag. and well i shot that all day but i have only shot 30-06 a few times so it really depends on how u can handle recoil......

  2. Used to shoot targets using  an .06. bolt action w/ military "ball 'rounds.

    Average sized man & even  w/ a shooting jacket or vest w/ a shoulder pad found the recoil took the fun out of it after a while.

    A semi auto is not as bad & w/ a recoil  pad can be manageable for a younger person..

    A lighter shooter can handle the wallop, but it can get unpleasant after more than a few shots .

    Did not know about the round phil mentioned, but to prove his  point , a  friend who hunted ,used to  reload for his .06 & made rounds for everything from woodchucks to bear.

    He gave me some "home made" rounds that were  a pleasure to shoot & still  dead on target  at 100 yds.

    How much "kick "is too much ?

    It's too much if it is not enjoyable or makes you flinch &  if the rifle bucks so much  so that you cannot hit the target or game.

    Best regards

  3. Compared to a 243 yes it does. But with practice it is manageable for most people.

  4. Its moderate, and manageable, however you can always have a recoil pad installed on it.*

  5. It depends on the ammo you shoot .  Remington  makes a 125 grain  manneged  recoil  shell .   I t  has about half the kick, and is great for up to two hundred yards.

  6. I am 33 years old. I shoot often and do not like the 30-06. Yes there are guns that kick more but the 30-06 gets uncomfortable.

  7. Depends on you'r body size, if you are big boned then no but if you'r built like a stick maybe but I have a question ya ever shoot a 12g shotgun if so did that have too much kick? If not you can handle anything.

  8. I can handle mine just fine and I'm about 120 lbs.

  9. Depends on the weighgt of your barrel and the amount of powder you use... But short answer is yes..

  10. Many new shooters find the level of recoil difficult to manage. Experienced shooters, on the other hand, generally do not (though there are exceptions). This applies at your age as well as with adults. When I was your age, I'd been shooting for years. If you've never shot anything bigger than a 22 LR, that's a different thing altogether.

  11. The short answer is yes. It has a lot of kick. The others are correct about body weight, but how you hold the gun is also very important. Get a good instructor and do it right the first time. Then you will know if you can handle the recoil. My wife tried my -06 and did great. Then she did it again and forgot to hold correctly and the gun jumped back and the scope cut her eye. Stay alert and follow instructions.

  12. Yes, it kicks more than it should. If it's not too late try to talk him into a .308 instead. The .308 is almost the same power as a .30-06 and kicks a lot less. .308s are also more accurate than .30-06s, and because of that most police snipers use .308s.

  13. Generaly - the 30-06 will have too much recoil for you. Some adults dont like the kick either.... Talk step dad into getting a rifle for you. A Ruger 10/22 would be a good choice.....

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