
Does a 'Master of Science' know more about global warming than the rest of us?

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I mean...when someone is a Master of Science shouldn't we agree with everything they say? Or can a Master of Science be wrong and misled about global warming? Is it possible to say you're a Master of Science when you're really not? My views might differ on global warming, so does the fact I'm not a Master of Science mean I'm wrong and should have my questions and answers deleted?




  1. of curse a master of science knows about global warming but he can also be wrong in somethings .

    you can also have some different point of view about it that does not agree with a master of science but it does not mean you are wrong.

  2. The ones I know sure seem to have a better handle on what is going on with climate research and global warming than 'the rest of us,' if by the 'rest of us' you mean the rest of us here at YA answers yammering away about global warming pointlessly, redundantly, and erroneously.  Good lord, a significant portion of the anti-global warming argument here is based on the science knowledge of Rush Limbaugh and a hatred of Al Gore.  So my answer is yes, apparently the Master of Science you are alluding to does know more than the rest of us.

    But my goodness, I wouldn't want to see any questions and answers deleted, this is the most riveting and entertaining place on the internet right now.  I've hardly got any work done for like two weeks, but my cardiac health is the best it has been in ten years thanks to all the laughter.  "Al Gore is a fat hypocrite so that proves Global Warming is a hoax!" I mean...c'mon, it doesn't get any better than THAT.

    And what is Dr. Jello's Doctorate in, btw?  Doc?  Doc?  Hey arm hurts whenever I hold it up over my head, what should I do?

  3. Are you from the "Cult of Jelloheads"? What you have not realized is that the rest of the human race has left all of you behind!  Even your beloved president has told the truth about AGW now! Sorry.....

  4. It's the way of things..

    When you go to a local auto shop, you listen intently to whatever the high-school dropout tells you to do, what's wrong with the car, and what the cause is without any argument.

    However, when the majority of the international scientific community, the brightest minds on the planet with an average of 4-8 years of higher education each, say global warming exists and what is causing it.. any random person who read about it for 15 minutes on the internet is an expert and can refute said international scientific community.

  5. I'm sure the Pope knows more about Catholicism than I do...that doesn't make its teachings fact.  I'm trying to follow in the "expert's" footsteps, but I'm having difficulty locating a BS degree offered in Astrophysics at UC Berkeley.  I guess you have to swear allegiance to Al Gore or something to gain access to that program:

    I DO know:  Anyone who completed Earth Science through middle school (prior to 1994 or so) learned the Sun warms the Earth.  Seems those who retained that knowledge are ahead of the MSs on this site.

    Edit:  Thanks D...odd it doesn't show in the main list.

  6. You can get a master of Science in Political Science, Logistical Science (managing mail, packages or construction), or library science. Each requires a lot of effort, and some smarts. That being said, I don't go to my librarian when I have problems with my sourcing agency for refrigeration unit and plastics manufacturing in China. I see a logistical engineer.

  7. As a matter of fact, I do.  Not because of my Master's Degree, but because I've studied the subject a lot more than most people here.  Though my science degree has helped train me to understand the science behind global warming.

    Of course it's possible to say you have an MS when you don't.  Do you really think the 'top answerer' has a doctorate?  LOL!  However, my degree is real.  Honestly if I was going to award myself a fake degree, I'd make it a PhD too.

    Hey Evans - try here:

  8. Not necessarily, but these guys do (now that Trevor is gone).

    EVERY major scientific organization has issued an official statement that this is real, and mostly caused by us.  The National Academy of Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Institute of Physics, the American Chemical Society, the American Geophysical Union, the American Meteorological Association, etc.

    The nation's intelligence agencies also know more than the people here:

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