
Does a Blu-Ray Dvd player upconvert standard Dvd's?

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Does a Blu-Ray Dvd player upconvert standard Dvd's?




  1. Yes, I believe most if not all do. I believe some have the stipulation that you need to be using the HDMI out though.. or if anything.. for full 1080p upress you'll need to be using the HDMI to your TV.

    Most of the Sonys and other major brand Blu-Ray's I've taken a peek at have mentioned DVD upressing.  All HDTVs technically "upress" a DVD image too.. they always need to scale things to their native resolution.... the difference is which does it better.. the player or the TV.  One would assume the player is better equipt to do so properly.. in addition to avoiding any audio sync problems... but that may not be an "always".

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