
Does a Craigslist ad that says "Please, no phone calls about this job!" really mean that I shouldn't call?

by  |  earlier

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I've been having an argument with a friend over this line that's at the end of nearly every Craigslist ad we've seen.

My tactic, every time I've looked for a job there, is to ignore this line. I send my resume, wait a week, then, if they haven't called me already, call them (if I have/can find their number) asking them if they've received my resume and whether I can set up an interview.

As far as I can remember, this has always worked to my benefit. An interview usually gets set up with this phone call and/or we have a conversation about the job or my skills and experience. This phone call usually gets the ball rolling, and it's my belief that it communicates that I feel I'm very qualified for the job, that I really want it, that I'm pro-active enough to get on the d**n phone, and helps them filter me out of their stack of resumes.

My friend believes that it shows a basic inability to follow instructions, and/or would make a busy employer angry.

What's the better strategy?




  1. I am the same way as you. It does work for me. I find a lot of times people hiring may not be as proactive about finding you as you are them, and when you show them hey I am interested without being a works. I also find from personal experience hiring people that the ad you read is placed by someone other than the one interviewing you, and the interviewer may not know what the ad even contained besides they are hiring that position.

  2. Both you and your friend are right but I'd hire you in a flash.  Good luck.

  3. A lot of the ads on CL say "no phone calls about this job" but list a phone number in the ad so I am with you. Go ahead and call.

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