I guess I should've incl. more. Unfortunately we are still living w/him. I got laid-off & am interviewing & looking for jobs currently. I will get a job soon. He's a grade-A loser, (yes, I know, I had a child w/him, but like many situations, this didn't 'rear it's ugly head' until the last 2 yrs. approx.). He's mentally/emotionally abusive, has barely had anything to do w/our child since she's been born, never been to ONE dr's appt., hospital visit/(ear-infections, stomach-flu's, etc.), he's done hard drug's I for sure since she was born, doesn't admit to it, but I know for a fact he has, I'm sure a hair-test, if necessary would show a TON of thing's, I dont' drink, (haven't in yrs.) and def. don't do drugs. He's currently on prob. for speeding w/mar. in his car. Has been pulled-over approx. 2 times on a susp. lic. 2 DUI's in 1 wk. 3 yrs. ago too that he skpped bond on in another state, (his prob. is incl. that too w/the mar. charge). He's threating this just to spite-me.