
Does a T002 handback the track?

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Can someone please explain whether it is the T002/3 person who hands back the track, or is it the S.P.I.C (Site Person in Charge?)





  1.  Do you know some training centre which providing Training for T002 /T003 

  2. The T002/3 is the person that hands back the track not the PM or the s**c. I am a T002/3 and it is my license on the line if the track/worksite and anywhere a worker has been is not clear of tools etc. The T002/3 is the last person along with the PM to leave track. The s**c only does what he is told to do.The full title for a s**c is SPiCSoTT site person in charge safety on the track. He/she makes sure the plant/equiptment is in good working order etc. Hope this settles the confusion of what a s**c and PM's jobs are compared to a T002/3. At the end of the day the only person with a license is the T002/3 not the s**c.

  3. T002/3 person hands back the track after repair/completed work. The Handback is the technical expert who uses various track gauges and visually check to confirm the track is fit for traffic.
    The Site person in charge is responsible for overseeing the overall aspects of the job. He delegates the duties of handing back the track to the T002/3 Licence Holder. Hope this helps.

  4. It's quite a complicated answer you seek;
    The HBT T002/T003 checks all the track to make sure it meets the standards E8404 or E8405, then relays that it does to the Site Person in Charge s**c who then checks that everything is clears staff tools etc... then passes on the message to the Protection Master PM who checks himself, then the PM contact the Track Access Control TAC to tell him the message the track is clear of all staff and equipment and it is safe for trains to run. The TAC then relays all the information to the Line Controller who authorises the power to be switched on and the passage of trains.
    I hope this answers your question.

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