
Does a US Resident need a passport to travel to mexico by land?

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A US resident not a US citizen




  1. No, but you will need proof of US citizenship, such as a birth certificate, and a photo ID, such as a state-issued drivers license or ID card. You are well advised to get a passport, anyway, and carry it with you.

  2. YES !!!!! anybody going to Mexico needs a passport !!!

  3. Absolutely. My husband and kids just went. He is mexican and a legal permanent resident, my kids are citizens, they all needed one to go.

  4. No, you do not need a passport for land travel.  See site below for official Homeland Security info.  This page was just updated in Jan. 2008.

  5. If you are a US Resident you would need something to get back into the US. I am a US citizen so I need a passport. My boyfriend is a Resident Alien, we're both ok to go into Mexico, but coming back you have to show proof of where you originated. (by that requirement is whatever the US requires)US, Mexico, Canada, etc

    Ok it also depends on how far into Mexico you're going. If you just cross into Juarez or somewhere close, you're ok, but after that I think it's seventy five miles you have to show. There is more than one checkpoint. There's one at the border and one or two further down into Mexico.

  6. yes

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