
Does a Virgo need to hear the words " I love you" before saying them?

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Does a Virgo need to hear the words " I love you" before saying them?




  1. us "virgos" don't like when people say i love you unless you know its someone you know you can spend the rest of your lives with and that should go for any sign why do people throw those words around like its something your putting your heart into the i love you and yeah thats it.

  2. That may be more true for Virgo males than Virgo females.  I knew that my best friend had fallen totally in love with me, and that we were going to get married ... but he flat out told me he was NOT going to say 'I love you' until he 'felt ready.'  I said it to him, although at most once a day, and sometimes only once a week.  On our wedding night, at our reception, he read a poem/prayer about true love, took my hands, looked me in the eyes and said so EVERYONE could hear the words "I love you."  That was the most ROMANTIC thing ever and I will remember it ALWAYS.  We now tell each other we love each other thirty or forty times a day ... but this morning I was answering a question when he went out the door, and didn't say it ... so he opened the door and said 'Goodbye, I love you' again ... when I said the same to him, he smiled and closed the door.  We don't say I love you 'first thing' when he gets home or meets me ... we say hello first, ask about the time we've been apart, and THEN we say it to each other.

  3. noo;...

  4. I said "I love you" first.

    My boyfriend of nearly 3 years is a Pisces.

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