
Does a anti abortion stance help our military?

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The Children born during the Regan era would be 19-27 years old now.

Knowing how Regan was against abortion was this a grand plan to iimprove the swells of our military forces today? How many of the children born to women who are disadvantaged with a child they don't want/can't afford etc. have any choice but to join the military for any chance of a "better life" ?




  1. The best way to boost military numbers would be to get out of Iraq.

    No abortion just leads to increased crime.

  2. I doubt if there was any grand plan, as you put it, to outlaw abortion to increase the size of the military.

    There are plenty of choices out there, you need to identify them, get whatever education is needed to achieve that choice and go from there.

    The military is not the only choice.

  3. You dont have very high opinion of our military, do you?? The average military soldier has more education and a higher IQ than the average Joe in the general population. ALL military soldiers must have a high school degree, or an equivalent. You dont have to have one to work at McDs.

    "The average recruit has an 11th-grade reading level; the average civilian can read at a 10th-grade level. Nearly all recruits—97 percent of female, 94 percent of male—graduated from high school; 79 percent of civilians have high-school diplomas. Officers are better-educated still: All are now required to have college degrees."

  4. Not at all, because any decent human being knows in their heart abortion is wrong. The only exceptions being rape, incest, or danger to the Mother's or fetus' life.

    Yes, I understand it's allowed by the Supreme Court and I agree it is the woman's body, and yes she does have a right to do what she wants, but any woman who's had an abortion as a means of birth control because she can't afford a child or it's just too inconvenient knows deep down it was wrong.

    So, to answer your idiotic question...No, that wasn't Reagan's plan. Any Mother who had a child during that time (or any time, for that matter) who wasn't wanted, or couldn't afford, could've just as easily put the child up for adoption or let other family members raise them. Instead of blaming Reagan, let's put the responsibility on the woman for poor judgement and lack of morals.

  5. Wow, that may be the most bizarre thought I've ever heard of.  

  6. Typical liberal.  And it's Reagan.

  7. Most abortions carried out in this country aren't performed on "disadvantaged women". They are carried out on white, middle class late teenagers and those in the work force. The anti-abortion policy for the military (the Hyde Amendment which prohibits the use of defense appropriations to carry out abortions)  was enacted into law in 1977 or 1978 when James Earl Carter Jr. was the President. I was the Assistant Administrator of a Naval Hospital at the time the law was enacted. Get your facts straight, please!

  8. It probably could and does help the military; who else can defend this country but living human beings who reproduce? Maybe those women wizened up and became women through having a baby, learned to love the baby who could have a chance in this world, or they could have put the baby up for adoption.

    The reproduction rate so far in the US as far as replacing the amount of people who came before has so far hit a standstill (maybe going downward), though minorities are taking the lead. Maybe that's overpopulation's way of keeping the ratio of people to space/resources in check, but we have to keep in mind America needs to keep on thriving.

    (Sorry if I sound kinda mean, I just had to let out this talk radio spasm out.)

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