
Does a bearded dragon have to have a uv lamp?

by  |  earlier

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i am getting a dearded dragon and i am not sure if i need a uv lamp or if it can survive without it




  1. this way of thinking has come about from pet shops that kept beardies for a very short time (a matter of months) without UV and they didnt die but if u want your BD to live for more than a year or 2 get a UV light they can use calcium correctly this leads to weak/deformed bones paralysis and finally death. and it costs a h**l of a lot to put right

    response to The First Dragon: D3 supplements can be used BUT (and this is a massive but) u never know if your giving to much or to little because its individual for each beardie how much they need and it changes throughout there lives. too much and u kill your beardie (D3 is poisonous if too much is given) too little and your beardie suffers for health issues and generally has a poor quality of life. also it misses out on the other health benefits of UV light.

    D3 supplements should only be used in emergencies by experts

  2. As long as you supplement with vitamin D and calcium, probably not.  UV lights are more crucial with iguanas and other herbivorous reptiles.  

  3. There is no question you have to get a UVB light. Unless you live where you can keep him outside where he can get lots of sunlight you have to or it will get a calcium problem

  4. They say that you should have a Uv lamp. But I think supplementing with calcium dust can be efficient as well. I use regular light bulbs, and dust the feeder crickets with calcium daily.

  5. u life will be a h**l lot harder without it do the beardie and ur self a favor an just buy 1........

  6. It is mandatory.

    If you cannot provide enough cooled real sun exposure daily year around; then you need UVB and vitamin D3.

    Please don't be lazy.  Click the links, and read.

    Follow those to links about impaction.  This is not a beardie, but it applies.  IF you don't read it - at least check out the pics:

    Once you cut open a lizard?  It all pretty much looks the same.

    Kuddos for reseraching first.  It show responsibiltity, and bodes well for you and your pet.

    I'll paste some links below, but please note my disclaimer.

    Enjoy your new pet, and I hope this has been helpful.

  7. They only need UV light if you want them to live!  

  8. Please do your Dragon a huge favor and visit this site...The care sheets are invaluable..

    Yes he needs uv light..I'm assuming that you're supplementing with calcium and vit d. supplements ?

    There's a reason why...Without proper light, your dragon can't process the vit. C...Vit D. is just the beginning of a long process in the body...Without natural (or artificial uv rays), vit. D doesn't actually do it's job...

    Please do a little research as to how vit. D is actually processed o.k. ?

    Seriously...An animal deprived of sunlight will end up with skelital problems that don't allow vit. C to even do their job and then bones become fragile...Well, you know...Do some research, o.k. ?

  9. u may wanna look into its health, some do need it, some are fine w/o and some may even be damaged by it

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