
Does a blood test hurt??

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please id like the honest truth...and how long does it last...




  1. Nope, I've had hundreds of needles stuck into my skin, they only sting for a second or's not bad at all!

  2. Are you talking about getting blood drawn? If that's what you mean, then it depends on where you get it done at and the size of needles they use. I've gotten it done at a hospital and it hurt like h**l, but at my family doctor they always use as small needles as possible, which you can barely feel. Same goes for when I went to the gynecologist. How long it takes depends on how much blood's being taken, the more they draw the longer you sit there. Just don't look and you'll be fine.

  3. A little yes, but look away and hum like I do, I have a very low pain threshold - it is over by the time you count to 10 - really.

    Ask the nurse to NOT tell you anything, otherwise some go though every step - unnessasary

  4. its just a tiny prick man. it will only hurt as they take blood out.

    if your faint hearted, just look the other way, as they shove the needle in your arm.

  5. Nope. The needle can sting a little but that's only for a second or two. Depending on how many samples they need, it's usually a couple minutes all told. Occasionally your arm might feel a little sore and you might get a little bruise where the needle went in; only happened to a me a few times though.

  6. Not really...just a pin prick. Tell the nurse or whoever is going to give the test that you are afraid and that you are a difficult draw (doesn't matter if it isn't true...I am a hard person to draw blood from so they will choose someonein the office who is used drawing blood from difficult veins..they are more likely to only poke you once and get it right the first time). If the person tries to draw blood more than twice and can't get it...tell them to bring in someone else. There is no excuse for someone poking you a bunch of times. None. Blood tests don't last long at all...a couple seconds, less than a minute, depending on what you're going for. Also, ask to lie down. If you're lying down, you will feel more relaxed and if you start to feel dizzy or faint, let them know ok? They need to know this. It's happens to me all the time and I have to do this often. Oh! Also, bring some apple juice with you to sip on after you get your blood drawn. It kind of helps you to perk up. Nurses will often give juice anyway to people after they get their blood drawn if they are feeling weak.

    You'll be fine. Remember...they have seen it all...

    My Mum is a nurse and draws blood often. She has had 200 to 300 pound Seattle Seahawks football players pass out on her..and she's 5feet tall and a little tiny thing! You'll be ok. :)  

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