
Does a boxer score more points by punching their opponent's gut or chest?

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Do the judges favor punches to the gut more or chest?




  1. In amateur rounds are scored to the contestant landing the most scoring punches, which are punches where the white part of the glove (front of the glove) connects to the scoring zone-  front of torso (stomach and chest are scored equally) or head (also scored equally). The winner will be the boxer who wins most rounds. A round is won by landing more scoring punches.

    In professional the "10 point system must" generally operates. The winner of a round generally gets 10 points and the loser 9 points, unless the opponent dominates in which case the loser gets 8 points, or if the loser is knocked down he gets 8 points. The loser wouldn't get less than 8 points even if he was knocked down several times and dominated for the rest of the round. The referee can also deduct points for fouls. In professional boxing punches aren't scored as such, although the number and strength of punches wil be a factor in deciding who won a round.

  2. no they both score equally.A punch to the body is a punch to the body no matter where it lands. That is how it works in terms of scoring. Body shots are what help win a fight. So many fighters just go head hunting not realizing the chance of a knockout is slim b/c of how big the gloves that are used in boxing which prevents a knockout. Ironically they were not developed for this but really gloves were made for protecting the wrist. Anyway when ones opponent is worn down and tired from a constant body assault they will not have the strength to fight back and consequently a knock may occur (not a guarantee but more of a chance) like Joe Frazier said..."kill the body and the head will die"

  3. As long as a punch lands in a legal area, judges aren't SUPPOSED to favor one punch placement over another.  They aren't supposed to trip over their seeing-eye dogs, either, though.  

    I worked as a pro judge for a few years in the late 90's-early 00's. . . . .never do I remember saying to myself "that gut shot should be more important than the chest shots". . . .considering all other things are equal.  

    Gut shots usually evoke more of a response from the one getting hit, though. . . .so judges pick up on DAMAGE, as they should.  Body shots rule. . ..plain and simple.

  4. no


  6. If you're talking professional boxing, the judges will not base their score on where the two boxers hit each other, but rather on the ratio of punches landed to punches thrown and knock downs, if any.  The only exception is when a low blow is caught by the referee.  Usually, a waraning is administered, then points are deducted on subsequent low blows

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